30. Hold Me Tight

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"Jungkookie, come to Mommy," Bada said softly as she emerged from the bathroom.

"Shhh... he's sleeping," Taehyung whispered, gently laying Little Jungkook on the bed before helping Bada sit down.

After Taehyung started working at the hardware store, Bada told him about her pregnancy. Her boyfriend, unwilling to take responsibility, had pressured her to abort the child. When she refused, her parents disowned her, leaving her to fend for herself. Despite these hardships, she faced each day with a smile, a testament to her resilience and strength.

Upon learning about Bada's situation, Taehyung felt a deep sadness for her. She was a kind-hearted and compassionate person, always ready to help others despite her own struggles. He couldn’t understand why such innocent people had to suffer so much. From that day on, Taehyung took it upon himself to support her. He catered to her cravings, massaged her feet when they ached, and accompanied her to every doctor's appointment. Their bond grew stronger with each passing day, evolving into a familial relationship akin to that of a brother and sister.

In those nine months, Taehyung rarely found reasons to smile. The weight of his past and the struggles of his present often left him in a state of quiet melancholy. However, everything changed the day little Jungkook was born. Holding the tiny, chubby baby in his arms, Taehyung felt an overwhelming surge of happiness. 

For the first time in what felt like forever, Taehyung found himself smiling genuinely. Each coo and giggle from little Jungkook brought light to his days, gradually melting away the sadness that had settled in his heart. 

Taehyung's transformation was evident to Bada. She watched with gratitude and affection as he bonded with her son, becoming a doting uncle. 

There were days when Taehyung would find himself lost in thought, wondering if his family in Busan had forgotten him, pondering what Jimin was doing, and thinking about how Jungkook was doing.

When Bada found out she was having a boy, she asked Taehyung to suggest a name. He hesitated at first, but then offered two names close to his heart: Jimin and Jungkook. Bada was immediately drawn to the name Jungkook. Thus, her child was named Jungkook, a name that held deep significance and connection to Taehyung’s past.

Now, as Taehyung watched over little Jungkook, he felt a mixture of emotions. There was joy in the present moment, but also a lingering sadness for the life and loved ones he had left behind. Despite the challenges, he found solace in the new family he had formed with Bada and little Jungkook. Their laughter and warmth filled a void in his heart, giving him a renewed sense of purpose and hope for the future.

As Bada cradled little Jungkook, Taehyung couldn't help but feel a swell of protectiveness and love for both of them. They had become his family, his reason to keep moving forward. In the quiet moments, he allowed himself to believe that maybe, just maybe, this new chapter of his life could bring him the peace and happiness he so desperately sought.

───  ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅  ───

Jungkook's car stopped at the address Felix had given him, a modest hardware store nestled on a quiet street. He parked across the street and sat in the car, his eyes sharply fixed on the entrance. His heart pounded in his chest, a mix of anticipation and anxiety coursing through him. 

Then, his gaze fell upon a raven-haired male stepping into the store. There was no doubt—it was Taehyung. No matter how many days had passed, he would recognize Taehyung anywhere, even in a crowded sea of faces. That was how deeply he loved him. 

Overwhelmed by a sudden rush of emotion, Jungkook immediately got out of his car and headed toward the hardware store. He paused outside, staring through the glass walls, his breath catching in his throat as he took in the sight before him.

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