9. Grandpa's Suspicion

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"What kind of friend? he inquired skeptically, in a stern voice, suspecting there might be more to their relationship than mere friendship.

"Grandpa, there is nothing like that... I mean, he is just a friend." said Taehyung, trying to show innocence.

"Then why did you bring him home?" asked Grandpa, still doubting Taehyung's words. He doesn't believe Taehyung's words because he knows how his grandson is.

"Grandpa, he is the one who has brought me home. I missed a train at a station at night. If he had not been there... You know, for a young boy like me, traveling alone is like an open treasure box. I didn't even know him, we met on the train. Still, he has traveled so far for me. To Busan. To escort me safely," said Taehyung in an innocent voice. Trying to convince Grandpa that there is nothing between them.

After listening to Taehyung's story, Jungkook couldn't stop himself from smiling. He fixed his glasses while looking down, trying to hide his smile.

Heejae again thanked Jungkook while patting his back. "Thank you, son."

"Are you sure you both are just friends? Because in my age, in a glimpse, I get to know what is going on between young people." Grandpa asked again, not trusting Taehyung's words.

"Grandpa, please, you are embarrassing me," said Taehyung, tired of his grandpa's questioning.

"Embarrassing you? If you had any shame, then would you have come home wearing such clothes? In Seoul, you must be roaming around naked," said grandpa Dae while looking at Taehyung's outfit.

Taehyung's family stuck to traditional values, residing within the framework of a joint family system where multiple generations coexisted under one roof.

Despite their conservatism, Taehyung's grandfather displayed remarkable openness and acceptance towards his grandson's sexual orientation, demonstrating a progressive mindset within the confines of tradition. He set some rules for everyone, like no going to clubs, no love marriages, no smoking, and no wearing revealing clothes, which contrasted with Taehyung's choice of wearing shorts at the moment.

Jungkook couldn't help but conceal his smile as he glanced downward, thoroughly amused by the scene unfolding before him. It was a rare sight to witness someone finally render Taehyung speechless.For the first time ever, Taehyung appeared at a loss for words, a stark departure from his typical nature. He felt delighted and eagerly anticipated the chance to tease Taehyung mercilessly.

Taehyung didn't have any words to say. He glanced down at his shorts, a sudden wave of embarrassment washing over him. In an attempt to conceal his exposed legs, he instinctively reached for his purse, pulling it closer to his thighs to hide it.

(This is what he's wearing)

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(This is what he's wearing)

"What's his name?" Grandpa Dae inquired, directing his gaze towards Jungkook while awaiting an answer from Taehyung.

Before Taehyung could respond, Jungkook stepped forward, taking the initiative to introduce himself. "Jungkook"

"Jungkook what?" Grandpa Dae pressed, curious to learn Jungkook's full name.

"Cha Jungkook," he said, and headed towards Grandpa for a handshake. He didn't want people to know about his real identity, so he fabricated his name.

After listening to Jungkook, Taehyung couldn't help but feel a sense of puzzlement. However, as realization dawned upon him, Taehyung understood Jungkook's rationale for withholding his true identity. Being a CEO, Jungkook likely wished to avoid unnecessary attention and gossip that could arise from disclosing his real name.

"What work do you do? asked Grandpa Dae while shaking hands with Jungkook.

"I am a ....musician," Jungkook replied, the word slipping from his lips instinctively as he decided to maintain the facade of anonymity.

Taehyung's lips curled into a slight smile as he listened to Jungkook's response. He recognized the subtle opening into Jungkook's heart, a space where the melody of music could find its place, stirring a sense of happiness within Taehyung.

With a sense of anticipation and excitement, Taehyung looked forward to unveiling more of Jungkook's musical side.

With a warm smile, Grandpa Dae expressed his gratitude. "Dear son, I am indebted to you. Now you will have to stay here for a week. With us, so that we can thank you properly," he insisted, his grip on Jungkook's hand firm.

"Okay," Jungkook agreed, sensing the sincerity in Grandpa's words.

As Grandpa Dae released his hand, he offered a blessing. "May God protect you," he said before departing, leaving Jungkook to join the family for dinner.

Hey lovelies
So Jungkook's gonna live in Tae's house. Despite holding the position of CEO, his face remained unknown to the public.This secrecy allowed him to blend seamlessly into Taehyung's life.
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