6. The Splashy Surprise

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As the morning sun cast its golden rays, the bus began its journey, carrying Jungkook and Taehyung on their adventure. They gleefully spent the day shopping together, After leaving from Seoul they were in same clothes till now so they are now dressed in new clothes purchased with Jungkook's money. They savoured the flavors of roadside delicacies, a new experience for Jungkook.

 They savoured the flavors of roadside delicacies, a new experience for Jungkook

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(This is what they are wearing)

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(This is what they are wearing)

With Busan still a couple of hours away, Taehyung led Jungkook to a beautiful lake,where they settled under the shade of a tree, gazing at the crystal-clear waters.

As Jungkook was lost in thoughts, he felt a sense of freedom wash over him, realizing that since meeting Taehyung, thoughts of Seokjin and his former life in Seoul had faded into the background, replaced by a newfound happiness in Taehyung's company. For the first time since his father's passing, he felt truly content, as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

Leaning against the sturdy trunk, Jungkook closed his eyes and began to hum, soon breaking into song.

As Taehyung absentmindedly played with the blades of grass, he was startled by the sound of Jungkook's singing. Glancing up, he was met with the sight of Jungkook, his eyes closed in bliss as he sang. Taehyung couldn't help but be taken aback by the beauty of Jungkook's voice, his mouth hanging open in awe as he watched him sing.

"Marathon, marathon,
Life is long, take it slow.
At the end it's filled with dream's paradise

However, the real world is
Different from promises.
We have to run, step on it.
If I shoot the signal gun
You gave no destination,
There's no scenery
When one is out of breath
You need to you need to

It's okay if you stop and stand without knowing why.
You don't have to run. It's okay without a dream,
I will feel happy for a while if there are your moments
It's okay if you stop and stand
Without knowing the purpose not running
It's okay without a dream,
Every breath you breathe in paradise."

He ended the song and opened his eyes a small smile adorned his lips.

He ended the song and opened his eyes a small smile adorned his lips

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