39. Vixen and Victim

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Jungkook answered the call with a grin. "Sunshine! What's up?"

"Hey, Hyung!" Hoseok's voice was full of excitement. "I just wanted to check in. How's everything going with the proposal?"

"I'm so excited." Jungkook said, practically bouncing on his feet. "I'm going to propose at this amazing rooftop café called Layover. Jimin—Taehyung's cousin—helped me set everything up."

"Sounds perfect! All the best, Hyung," said Hoseok.

"By the way, when are you coming to Busan?" Asked Jungkook 

"Oh, about that," Hoseok said, trying to keep his voice steady. "I'm just about to board my flight." He was already at the Busan airport. He wanted to surprise Jungkook, so he lied. 

Jungkook beamed. "Great! I can't wait to see you."

"Goodbye Hyung I am actually boarding the plane. I love you," said Hoseok.

As Jungkook was on the call, Taehyung walked back in, having changed into his clothes. He approached just in time to hear Jungkook's final words.

"I love you too, sunshine," Jungkook said, ending the call with a smile.

Taehyung felt a twinge of jealousy. Who was this sunshine? In the nine months they had been apart, had someone special entered Jungkook's life? His mood darkened at the thought. Without a word, he gestured for Jungkook to exit the store.

During the ride, Taehyung couldn't help but glance at Jungkook repeatedly, his mind churning with questions. Jungkook was practically glowing with happiness, with a constant smile on his face. Taehyung's jealousy simmered. Jungkook gave Taehyung a smile.

Taehyung forced a smile, but inside, his thoughts continued to churn. He couldn't help but wonder who else might be brightening Jungkook's days and why Jungkook seemed so happy. He stared out the window, but his mind was elsewhere, fixated on the mysterious sunshine in Jungkook's life.

The car came to a halt, and both Jungkook and Taehyung exited the vehicle, entering the building. As they were about to step into the elevator, Taehyung spotted Jimin near the staircase and shouted, "Jiminie !!"

Jungkook was shocked to see Jimin. "What is he still doing here? I thought he was done with decorations. What if Taehyung gets suspicious?" he thought, panic setting in. 

"Jiminie!" Taehyung called out again, louder this time.

Hearing his name, Jimin stopped and turned around slowly, standing like a statue. Taehyung and Jungkook approached him.

"Hi, Tae," Jimin said with a nervous smile, trying to appear casual.

"Jiminie, what are you doing here? I wanted to talk to you, but mom told me you had some urgent work," Taehyung asked. 

Jimin's mind raced. He needed a quick lie. "I had a dance audition in this building," he said smoothly, praying it sounded convincing.

Jungkook silently exhaled in relief. He feared Taehyung might suspect something about the proposal.

"Come with us; we're gonna eat something. You should join us," Taehyung said enthusiastically. "I wanted to talk to you anyway."

Jimin's eyes widened. "Uh, I don't know, Tae. I'm really tired from the audition."

Taehyung pouted dramatically. "But Jiminie, we haven't hung out in ages. And I need to talk to you about something important."

Jungkool couldn't help but just prayed that Taehyung would not find anything suspicious 

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