20. Beer, Burger and the Buzzkill

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After hearing Jungkook's answer, Taehyung began questioning his decision. A frown took over his face as he pondered deeply. However, his expression shifted from gloomy to happy in an instant as Jungkook continued.

"But as you said, when you are in love, there are no such things as right and wrong. Everything is fair. If today I can understand my mother, then don't worry, your family will too. They will understand you and forgive you," Jungkook said with a smile.

Jungkook's thoughts briefly drifted back to his own experience with his mother. He had struggled for years to understand her actions and the choices she had made. There were moments of anger and confusion, but over time, he came to see things from her perspective. The realization that she had acted out of love, despite the mistakes, helped him to forgive her. This personal journey of reconciliation gave Jungkook the conviction to reassure Taehyung now.

Jungkook's perspective on his mother began to shift significantly through his relationship with Taehyung. Taehyung, with his patient and understanding nature, became a crucial influence in Jungkook's journey of forgiveness.

Through Taehyung, Jungkook learned that forgiveness was not about excusing the past but about freeing oneself from its hold.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook, deeply pleased with his words. He felt a surge of happiness, knowing that Jungkook had finally forgiven his mother. A wide smile spread across Taehyung's face as he crashed into Jungkook for a hug, his emotions overflowing. He hugged him tightly with excitement and happiness, his hands going over Jungkook's shoulders since he was slightly shorter.

Jungkook was surprised by Taehyung's actions. As he hugged him, his heart began to beat faster, a tingly feeling spreading in his stomach. Feeling the sincerity and warmth of Taehyung's embrace, Jungkook wrapped his arms around him in return, a soft smile playing on his lips.

Jungkook's heart swelled with a mix of emotions—joy and something unexpectedly tender. The strangeness of the moment struck him; he hadn't anticipated how profoundly Taehyung's hug would affect him. The tingly feeling in his stomach wasn't just surprising; it felt good, almost exhilarating. The embrace felt both familiar and new, grounding him while also making his heart flutter with an unspoken connection. In that moment, Jungkook realized how much Taehyung's presence truly meant to him, deepening the bond they shared.

Taehyung broke the hug and pouted, "Why do you call me Taehyung? You should call me Tae, because we're friends now."

Jungkook appreciated that Taehyung wanted him to use his nickname, but the term friend didn't sit well with him. Though he considered them good friends, the word somehow didn't feel right. He shook his head, smiling at Taehyung, and replied, "Okay, Tae."

Taehyung beamed when he heard his nickname from Jungkook. Grabbing Jungkook's hand, he led him towards the road with a cheerful stride. 

Knowing that Taehyung's family might search for them at the train or bus station, Jungkook decided it would be safer to rent a car.


As they rode in the car towards Daegu, Jungkook drove the car with Taehyung sitting beside him in the passenger seat. He took notice of Taehyung's unusually quiet demeanor, and his face contorted in a sadness that Jungkook recognized all too well. Knowing that Taehyung had recently left his family behind, Jungkook sought to lift his spirits and distract him from his homesickness.

"Are you hungry?" Jungkook inquired, hoping to spark some excitement in Taehyung.

"No, I'm not," Taehyung replied softly, though the rumble emanating from his stomach betrayed his words. He glanced down at his stomach, then back up at Jungkook with a sheepish grin.

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