7. Jungkook's Pain

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Jeon Jungwoo was a very successful businessman in the country. He married Han Yuri, who was also successful, running her father's company. It was an arranged marriage. They had two sons, Jungkook and Hoseok, filling their home with happiness. But, as we say, everything changes.

As time passed, Yuri's focus shifted towards her career, neglecting her familial duties in favor of professional pursuits. She started having an affair but couldn't tell Jungwoo, so she made a fateful decision one night, leaving her family behind without explanation. Packing her bags while her youngest son slept, Yuri vanished with her lover, leaving behind divorce papers and a note saying, "Keep my children happy; I don't deserve them."

The next day, the nation was captivated by news of Yuri's departure. Jungkook, just three years old, and Hoseok, still a tender infant, were left to live in the absence of their mother. In her departure, Yuri failed to consider the impact on her children's upbringing, leaving Jungkook to question how his mother could abandon them so easily.

As Jungkook matured, surrounded by constant taunts and pity from others, he gradually learned about her betrayal and the depth of her abandonment. Emotions churned within him, ranging from shock and betrayal to anger and sadness. He also struggled with feelings of worthlessness, wondering if he somehow contributed to his mother's decision to leave.

The sense of betrayal cut deep, leaving him feeling utterly alone and questioning everything he once believed about trust, love, and family. Anger burned within him, directed towards both his mother and the man she left with. The wounds of abandonment grew, shaping his view of the world and his place within it.

Jungkook's heart brimmed with pure hatred towards his mother, unable to understand how she could abandon her own family. His childhood was marked by the empathy of some and the taunts of others, leaving him and his brother Hoseok to navigate a world forever altered by their mother's actions.

The wounds she inflicted ran too deep, and he wanted nothing to do with the woman who shattered their family.

"Was it your mother who ran away with another man?" Taehyung blurted out, immediately regretting his choice of words.

Jungkook's smile vanished as he listened to Taehyung's words.

"Shit! Sorry," apologized Taehyung, realizing his mistake and feeling guilty for causing Jungkook pain.

Putting on his glasses, Jungkook turned to face Taehyung with a gloomy expression and a forced smile and said, "Yes! It was my mother who ran away with another man, leaving me and my younger brother."

"Actually, I've heard it in the news in this language. It came out that way. I am really sorry. Really! Really," apologized Taehyung. He didn't mean to upset Jungkook.

In a flat, emotionless tone, Jungkook replied, "No, Taehyung. I will have to hear it. Why are you saying sorry? If someone's mother can be so cheap, if she can do such a derogatory thing, then..."

"Mr. Jeon, you shouldn't talk so disrespectfully about her." Taehyung cut him off. Taehyung's comment serves as a reminder to Jungkook about the significance of respecting and considering his mother, irrespective of any disagreements or challenges they might face. It highlights the enduring importance of familial bonds and the need to nurture them with respect and understanding, reflecting Taehyung's values.

Jungkook's voice dripped with anger and bitterness as he lashed out, "Why? Because of her, my family was completely destroyed. Because of her, I will feel ashamed in front of everybody all my life! So why shouldn't I talk disrespectfully about her?"

"Because she was in love!" Taehyung responded with a softness in his tone, emphasizing the transformative power of love and its ability to blur moral boundaries.

Jungkook chuckled humorlessly and said, "Love? Are you serious? It is the most deceitful feeling in the world. I don't believe in love. Seokjin made me believe in love once again, but his actions proved that I don't deserve love."

"Look! She is your mother. So it's difficult to understand this about her. When somebody is in love, then nothing is right or wrong," said Taehyung. He maintained a serene demeanor, gently advocating for understanding and compassion towards Jungkook's mother.

Jungkook, frustrated, questioned Taehyung's beliefs. "Who told you all this? In which stupid novel did you read these lines?"

"Everybody says so. All is fair in love," replied Taehyung calmly, with honesty in his voice.

"Everybody lies. It's all hogwash. Got it?" Jungkook insisted, trying to convince Taehyung of his viewpoint on love, and walked ahead.

Understanding Jungkook's frustration, Taehyung raised his hands in surrender and said,Yes, I got it."
Taehyung knew Jungkook was now feeling upset. He felt bad for him and decided to make his mood better. He followed Jungkook and stood beside him.

"Listen, you are so rich. Elope with my brother. His life will prosper," Taehyung suggested with a smile, trying to make Jungkook laugh.

By listening to Taehyung, Jungkook forgot their conversation; he couldn't help but break into laughter, revealing his bunny teeth, and saying, "You are an original piece. Do you know that? There is no other person like you."

Jungkook expressed to Taehyung his recognition of Taehyung's distinct personality and the special qualities that made him stand out from others. Through this statement, Jungkook conveyed his deepening affection and appreciation for Taehyung as they shared more experiences together, emphasizing the special bond they were forming and the unique connection they shared.

Taehyung nodded in agreement, sharing a chuckle with Jungkook.

Hey lovelies,
Finally Taehyung's family will be introduced in the next chapter.
Love you all and thankyou for your support.

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