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"He's practically comatose. You should have saved the girl. " I ground my teeth, I wondered if they knew the door was open, that I could hear them standing out here. Katniss and Gale said they would go talk to President Coin and Plutarch Heavensbee but they said they weren't making any promises. I was here to get a guarantee.

"Look, the girl she was smart, brave, beautiful even if you must say." Haymitch stepped in. Where was he going with this? "But she was blinded by her love for him. She would have done anything to keep him alive but she didn't want a war. It was the last thing she wanted. Peeta on the other hand, he has more anger than her. He has a bigger voice. He knows how to persuade people into doing what he wants." Defending me? Not Haymitch's style.

"Peeta isn't well." Came President Coin's soft spoken voice.

"He'll get better." Heavensbee urged.

"When? We can't exactly sit around waiting for him. In fact I think we've waited long enough. Something needs to be done now and.." That's when I entered the room. I didn't want to hear what they had planned for me. I just wanted to see Catora again. Even if it was just a drawing.

"Well look at you, you sure clean up nicely." Haymitch said clipping my shoulder as I marched through the doors of the meeting room. It was true. This was the first time I had showered properly in days. I had gotten a semi-good night sleep and even combed my hair. Glancing over at Katniss and Gale I noticed how grim their faces looked. Hearing them talk about Catora so lightly hurt, I understood that. Something had to be done to save her and if the first step was me seeing District 12, then so be it. Katniss was right, I wasn't doing anything mopping around District 13.

"How is sobriety treating you?" I shot back. Haymitch scowled a little.

"You were supposed to be the gentle one."

"Maybe, but that was before I lived through two Hunger Games." I run a hand through my blond hair, probably messing it up but I could care less at this point. "I want to go to District 12." I stated.

"Yes, Gale and Katniss have informed us of what you wish to do." Coin said scanning me, like I was a problem she had to correct.

"I'm going."

"No Peeta, you're not." Heavensbee said folding his hands on the table. I glared at him. This was his fault. Everything. He wanted to save me instead of Catora. What a stupid mistake.

"To hell I'm not." I shouted, slamming my fist on the table. Only Katniss really flinched when I did this. "It's my district, my home. I need to go see it I need.. I need to know what happened." I said the last part calmly, quietly. The District had been bombed, I knew that but what happened to all the people left there to die? The buildings? What did they look like?The bakery, my house, the justice building. I had to see everything.

"You know what happened Peeta. Firebombs.." Coin began.

"No!" I shouted. "I need to see it otherwise it won't feel real. None of this feels real!" Nobody said anything, just stared at me. "And I need to get her back." I said slowly.

"Catora is in the Capitol Peeta and.." Haymitch began to explain, probably thinking I had lost it. God I wished I was delusional. I wish part of me believed she'd be back in the Victor Village waiting for me but I was still just a little bit rationale.

"He's taking about his artwork of her." Katniss stepped in. "It's not really her but.. It's something." She finished with a pause glancing over at me. I gave her a grateful nod before turning back to Coin and Heavensbee. They were exchanging silent glances.

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