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It took me nearly a week to recovery from the injuries I sustained when Catora attacked me. Sometimes when I spoke, my throat would still hurt but I tried not to show it. "You really shouldn't be up and about." Katniss warned me as I sat with them in the cafeteria. I wasn't allowed to eat solid food yet. I had been on a strictly liquid diet. Which meant I had to go to the bathroom constantly. It was annoying as hell.

"I have to do something. I can't just lie around and do nothing." Katniss pursed her lips and didn't say anything. "Have you seen her? Either of you." I asked, glancing at Gale.

"Yes." He replied curtly.

"How is she?"

"She's not.. Herself." Katniss said softly. "She's aggressive and angry. She keeps raving about you and what an awful person you are. How she can't wait to.." Katniss stopped, probably for my sake. I didn't want to hear anymore anyways.

"I want to see her."

"I don't think that would be a good idea." Gale said. "She's detoxing from the Tracker Jacker venom. She can't think straight. She's feverish."

"You don't want to see her like this Peeta."

"I don't care what she looks like guys. I just want to see her. It's been.. Months."

"She attacked you." Gale reminded me.

"It's like you said, she's not herself." I replied firmly. "I want to see her."

And I did get to see her, just not how I hoped. I had to stand outside her room and watch her through the one way glass. Catora's eyes were sunken. The bruises on her arms and face were fading and despite the doctors best efforts, she hadn't gained much weight since being here. Everyone was concerned for the baby. If Catora went on like this, she could loose our child. The thought made my stomach churn.

"I don't like this." I murmured, touching the glass as I watched her struggle against the restraints binding her to the bed. Her hair clung to her forehead which was slick with sweat and she groaned a little as she laid back down, breathing in and out heavily.

"I know but.. It's for the best." Katniss said softly. I watched as the doctors nodded to Prim who moved towards the door. It slid open for her and she stepped inside the room. Prim was tasked to go inside and check her vitals and feed her when necessary. Katniss and Gale always sparked more emotional responses from her and they didn't want to stress Catora out further.

"Prim." Catora said in a soft voice.

"Hello again." She said lightly, clutching her clipboard to her chest. Catora tried to sit up but Prim put her hand on her shoulder. "Lie down, please." Catora breathed in deeply, swallowing hard.

"Where's Katniss? Gale?"

"It's just me for now. They're.. Working." Prim said after a pause. Catora stared at her suspiciously. "They'll come to see you again, I promise."

"They haven't seen me in months and now that I'm back, they can't spare time to visit?" Catora sounded upset and mad at the same time.

"It's not like that, District 13 keeps everyone busy." Prim said softly, brushing back a lock of Catora's hair. She lied back slowly, seemingly pacified. As Prim began to leave though, she sat up again.

"Where are my parents? They haven't come to visit." Prim froze in the doorway.

"She doesn't know?" I demanded.

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