Real or Not Real

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I sit maybe a foot away in front of her. She is still refusing to look at me and she keeps pulling at her handcuffs. I think for a minute that she's trying to figure out how to break out of them but that's not it. She's testing them to make sure she stays locked up. "Catora.." She cringes. "You said you don't want to hurt me. Is that because you're remembering that I'm not a threat to you?" She shrugs.

"I can't trust my memory. It's fickle." So she doesn't remember anything. I sigh. "But.." She begins again. "I have this gut feeling that you're not going to try to hurt me." Her hand goes to her stomach and I wonder if she still thinks that I... "But my memory is so messed up I feel like I can't trust my instincts."

"I'm sorry that you don't.. Remember." I didn't want to say remember everything properly because that might sound like I was trying to force her into believing something but I don't think it really mattered. She didn't seem to be listening to me.

"We should be discussing what I did." She stands as a low rumble shakes the apartment. Everyone looks around confused but with bombs going off all around us, it's hard to tell where exactly this one came from. When the shaking stops, I stand up,

"Catora, there's no need to. It wasn't your fault..."

"A lot of things are not my fault but this is. I did this. I shouldn't be here."

"I can't.. I'm not sending you back." I wanted to reach out for her but that was probably a bad thing to do. Catora shook her head and walked around me, giving herself a wide berth. Then, she addressed the team.

"I killed Mitchell." She announced.

"Catora." I began but she kept going.

"It was a moment of tracker jacker insanity but that doesn't mean it didn't happen. I can't be here with all of you. I shouldn't have let Coin talk me into it in the first place and.."

"Coin talked you into coming?" Gale interjected. "Why would she do that?" His question hung in the air and I had the answer. Catora wasn't well enough yet, anything could set her off, trigger something she didn't want to remember and if I got in the crossfire, she could kill me.

"The point is, I'm a liability and I need to leave. I'm not going to try to hold any of you back or make you come with me but..."

"We can't." Jackson spoke up, disrupting her monologue.

"Why not?" Catora asked, confused.

"They're not going to send any more Hovercrafts in to pick anyone up." Catora pondered this for a second.

"Then I'll walk until I find the rebels."

"I'm not going to let you do that." I spoke up.

"None of us are." Katniss confirmed.

"What happens if I kill someone else? If something triggers me and I forget who I am and who you all are? I don't want to be responsible for another persons death."

"We'll just keep the handcuffs on you then." Finnick spoke up. "And Cressida, your team can never film her from the waist down. If the Capitol, the District's, see that she's restrained, they'll know something is up. We'll just have to be more careful."

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