Plan of Action

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"Are you okay?" Katniss must see how my hands shake as she stands in the doorway. I clear my throat and smooth down my collar.

"I'm fine." I grumble, clenching my fists to get a hold of the shaking. She purses her lips as I walk past her and into the hallway. Unlike most people here, I live alone in a one bedroom compartment. I have no family, no one I love or even sort of like to live with me. Katniss offered me the fourth bed in her families room but I declined. I can't sleep in there with them. I'd rather be alone. The nightmares would scare them anyways.

"You don't look fine." I don't reply, just listen to the sound of my boots on the tile. "Have you thought about what you're going to ask from then?" Katniss asks, jogging slightly to keep up with me.

"Immunity for Catora." I say, as if it isn't obvious.

"Yes but anything else?" She asks.

"Like what?" I demand, stopping suddenly in the hallway. She crashes into my arm and brushes back a strand of her hair. It's braided, much like how Catora had her hair braided. I swallow hard.

"Um.. Going outside maybe.. I don't know it's going to sound stupid but I miss hunting and I know you don't hunt and you certainly don't have to think of me but.. For your paintings maybe. You could ask for art supplies? I don't know.." I scoff. Those things are stupid. Outside? "What about immunity for the other victors? Johanna, Enobaria?"

"I don't want to save them, just Catora." I reminded her.

"Peeta, this isn't you. Are you saying you'd rather have them die at the hands of the Capitol?"

"If it means Catora lives then yes." Katniss shook her head at me.

"They've captured all the Victors Peeta you can't just let.."

"Whoa, whoa. What?" I demanded. Katniss face em a quizzical look.

"Didn't you know? All across the District's tributes have been captured or killed. The Capitol is looking for information and nothing is going to stand in their way. They think all the tributes are at the source of this." I frowned.

"Why did nobody tell me until now?" Katniss shrugged.

"I don't know but.. You can't let those people die too Peeta." I don't reply. "Don't you at least want to kill Snow? That could be one of your demands." I look at her in a new light. I could. I could ask to kill him. I want to do it with my goddamn bare hands.

"Okay." I say continuing to walk again.

"Okay what?" Katniss says, coming after me.

"I have my demands."


In Command, Coin and Plutarch have everyone assembled. Nobody mentions Katniss or Gale's presence. I asked them to be here so here they are. They should hear this anyways. Everyone is waiting for me to say something but suddenly all my mental notes are jumbled so I ask for some paper and begin writing my demands down in careful cursive handwriting. I can feel Katniss staring at the paper over my shoulder so I scribble our one last thing and stand up, folding the paper in front of me so I can look everything over in peace.

"Are you ready then?" Plutarch asks and that's when I've realized, that whole I thought I was working rather quickly, ten minutes has passed and everyone is waiting on me. I clear my throat and look out across everyone.

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