Grim Reapers

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It's hot, we're sweating and I'm beginning to loose my temper. We have been carefully making our way through the streets of the destroyed city, trying to avoid Pods and setting off every one we can without killing ourselves as well. Some of the Pods aren't that dangerous. A mile or so back, there was one that shot poisoned darts but just a minute or so ago, we were shooting at several rabid dogs. Luckily, we managed to kill them but Boggs is always telling us to be careful.

"Some of the Pods might not be tagged and we have to be on the lookout." Everyone listens to him because what else can we do? Nobody wants to die from one of these things. As I wipe my forehead with the back of my hand, I shift the strap of my gun on my shoulder. Everything we're wearing is black. Our clothes, the armor. My blonde hair looks out of place.

Katniss ahead of me climbs over a pile of rubble and glances back at Gale and I who are un-coincidentally, walking side by side. She brushes back a lock of her hair that's come out of her braid before jumping back down onto the ground. Her slim fitting armor was a mirror image of what Catora would wear should she be out here. On her back was her quiver of arrows and covering her shoulder blades were metal feathers, to resemble a Mockingjay. But with her back to me and her hair in a braid, it reminded me of something else at the same time.

A figure dressed in black, carrying a deadly weapon. "We're like grim reapers." I said suddenly.

"Come again?" Gale asked.

"Sorry, just thinking out loud." Gale didn't reply so I continued. "I was just remarking how we're dressed all in black, carrying weapons, bringers of death."

"We're not going to be killing anyone." I shrugged.

"It's just something I thought of."


We took a break to eat, nobody really talked much though. Katniss and Gale had a quiet conversation off to my right. In front of me, keeping watch over the building, Jackson and Boggs discussed the map and the direction we are taking. I wanted to ask them what exactly our endgame was but I was afraid that I wouldn't like the answer. To my left, Caitlin and Catherine seemed to be communicating with their eyes. The quiet was weird. I didn't like it.

"Hey." Finnick said, hitting my shoulder lightly before sitting next to me.

"Hey." I replied.

"I was just talking to Cressida over there and she said they're getting a lot of good film." I glanced over at my camera crew. They were charging up their equipment and talking quietly to each other, sharing videos back and forth. "All the feed is going directly to Beetee and they're already putting together more videos of us." Finnick smiled. Besides the cameras on him at the wedding, this is the first time he's done something in front of my crew.

"You just like being filmed don't you." It sounded harsher than I expected but Finnick laughed lightly.

"Maybe. Still have a bit of an ego I guess." He paused, pursing his lips. "I actually, I wanted to ask you something." I glanced over at him confused.

"Ask me what?"

"It's about Catora." I sighed. "I know, I'm sorry. I just want to know.. Annie said Catora never mentioned to them that she was pregnant in The Cage. Why do you think she would do that?" She hadn't? It was kind of obvious though... Actually, maybe not. Her baby bump isn't too big and she was small enough to begin with. They must have had them wearing baggy clothes.

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