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"Gale, I know this isn't what you wanted but this is killing Katniss. Tell her the truth." He's shaking his head no miserably as he sits in the leather chair.

"She'll never forgive me. She'll want nothing to do with me. I'll be just as dead to her as..." He stops and says nothing more. I sigh. Everything Snow had told Catora and I and what Gale explained about his plan all made sense. Coin and Plutarch were the ones who dropped the bombs and Beetee and Gale unknowingly gave them what they needed. I'm about to speak again, try to reassure him when the doors behind us burst open. In walks Effie, face full of makeup, extravagant clothing and a new wig on her head.

"Ah, Peeta there you are. I've already prepped Catora and now it's your turn." I sigh heavily. "Oh come now. It's a big day." I flashback to when I first heard those words with Catora. It seems like s lifetime ago.

"Gale, you know where I stand on this. Tell Katniss." He doesn't reply as Effie escorts me out of the room.

"We simply must trim your hair." She says lightly, touching my shoulder. "As well as..." I tune her out. I don't care what I look like. We're getting all dressed up for an execution. That's not something I'd ever thought I would do.


"You're not matching of course. Catora is in a dark red and you will be sporting black." Effie says excitedly as I dress up for the part of executioner. Even though I'm not the one firing the arrow, I won't try to stop Caotra from killing President Snow. Effie continues to talk as she adjusts the straps of my armor and pushes back my hair. We couldn't get it cut. There aren't  any stylists around. None of the Capitol's elite to make us look pretty. I didn't want to cut it anyways.

"Ah, there she is." A door opens revealing Catora. The deep red armor she wears reminds me of her dress from the first Hunger Games. I smile slowly and she gives me a weird look.

"Sorry.. I just.. Remember the first dress Cinna made you for the interview?" Catora thinks on it for a second and slowly nods her head.

"It was red. There were flames when I twirled."

"Well, there will be no flames tonight my tributes." Effie says excitedly as we're ushered out the door. "Come, you two have a ways to walk and I want you to look your best Catora and not sweat off your makeup in the afternoon sun." Catora doesn't say anything. We never know what to say to Effie.

The execution is taking place in the City Circle, a place Catora and I are visiting for a third time. I never thought I would be in it the second time, riding a chariot and doing my best not to stare at Catora as she caught fire. I look at her now as we peer through the glass at all the people gathered in the stands. It's probably the largest gathering of people I've ever seen.

"Real or not real, we held hands on our first chariot ride."

"Real." Catora nods, like she knew this to be true.

"I was scared. You kept me grounded." I knew this, she kept me grounded too. "Real or not real, I.." She pauses, smiling to herself. "I kissed you on the cheek after our ride." I smile.


"Alright, here we go." Effie hustles over, handing off Catora her bow and a quiver with a single arrow. Catora frowns.

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