What If

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"Today's the big day." I said lightly, sitting down next to Katniss and brushing a strand of my hair back. She grimaced a little and glanced over at Gale who had hardly said a word since we sat down together at our spot over looking the valley.

"Yeah, it is." Katniss paused. "It's Prim's first reaping. I'm worried about her."

"Your sister will be fine Katniss. I promise."

"And what if she gets reaped?" Katniss asks. "I'll have to.. Voulenteer for her."

"Katniss don't think like that." Gale said turning to look at her.

"I can't let my sister die Gale."

"And she won't. She won't get reaped. None of us will get picked." I said forcefully taking Katniss' hand. I watched her swallow hard and nod her head slowly.

"None of us will get picked." She repeats.


There's a crowd of girls between me and Katniss and they won't part to let me through. We're all too scared to move under the watchful eye of the Peacekeepers and the Capitol. I can see Katniss in front of me though, her blue dress standing out in the crowd. That color of blue is rare, reserved mainly for kids from the Merchant Class... Like me.

As Effie Triniet takes to the stand, she gives the usual spiel about honor and glory in the Hunger Games. There's no honor. The Capitol watches us kill each other for sport. We're just pieces in a game to them.

"Ladies first." She chirps out, heading towards the gleaming glass bowl on the stand. Please don't say Catora Melane. Please don't say Catora Melane. My mind whispers. Please keep my friends safe.

"Don't be nervous." Madge says next to me. I glance over at her and nod my head. The pin on her dress glitters in the sunlight.

"Katniss Everdean!" My heart sinks and I gasp as I whirl around to the stage. Everyone has already parted to let Katniss through. She's a plague, a disease. A dead girl walking.

"No!" Someone screams behind me and I turn to catch her before she gets to her sister. It's Prim. Wrapping my harms around her waist I hold her against me. Prim kicks and wails and fights against me but I can't let her go. She is solid. She is real. She signifies that this is actually happening. Katniss has been reaped.

What can I do? I can't do anything. There's nothing I can do except... Volunteer.

"I want to volunteer!" Prim wails. I clamp my hand over her mouth. No. Prim can't Volunteer. I won't let her. Katniss would kill me. Prim screams into my hand, licking and biting my fingers but I'm numb to it all. My best friend has just been sentenced to death and all I can do is stare at her.

Katniss finds me in the crowd, her sister struggling in my arms. She knows her fate. I can see the cold, dead look in her eyes. She's already accepted it. I'll volunteer. I mouth. But either she doesn't see me or refuses to acknowledge what I said. Volunteer for her? How could I? I had my parents to think of and someone would have to stay and put the Everdean family back together. It would have to be me.

"Now, any volunteers?"Effie asks. I open my mouth to shout out my reply. Yes, yes I'll volunteer but no sound comes out of my mouth. "Onto the boys then!" I want to scream. I missed it! I missed my chance. "Peeta Mellark!"

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