Breaking Point Pt. 2

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Together, the four of us dress in large cloaks that will cover the gear on our backs as well as conceal Katniss and Catora's bows. Gale draws his hood, giving him a dark brooding look but the orange wig is off putting. Katniss fixes Catora's blonde wig before she pulls up her hood as well. The cloak she's wearing is a deep red. It's a beautiful color on her. The dark clothes we wear under our cloaks aren't Capitol wear and even though we're trying to blend in, the brightly colored outfits don't suit us.

"I still think you should do more to your hair." Cressida says as she slicks it back so it can hide in the hood,

"I don't want to wear a wig." I say as Katniss choose a short pink bob with a smile. Catora laughs watching her friend put it on and I breathe out slowly as I glance over at Finnick. He's sitting up, eating and seems to be doing much better than before. He waves me over as he finishes eating a can of beans.

"Be careful." He says lightly.

"Of course." I nod my head and he puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Don't forget the Nighlock pills." Nightlock. I've had about enough of the word. Nightlock is what started this whole thing and it wasn't about to be what kills me. Nodding my head, I stood up I pulled my hood over. It hung down low and covered the better half of my face but I was still able to see, we all were.

Tigris equipped us with some suitcases, they weren't filled but we had to look like people fleeing the rebels. Cressida saw us off, waving as we left. None of us looked back as we passed the holograms of our wanted posters. Thank god for the cold frigid morning, otherwise our cloaks wouldn't make sense. As we make our way north, more people being to clamber over wreckage, and spill out into the large street. Nobody gives us a second look.

"Come on." Gale says roughly motioning me to go ahead with Catora. Gale brings up the rear with Katniss as we weave through the crowd. Peacekeepers are present now, herding people one way or the next. Catora looks uneasy.

"We're disguised but.." She pauses as we pass an elderly couple. "I don't know. I'm worried." I can see the death grip she has on her suitcase, like she's ready to swing it around and hit someone. I nod and put a hand on her shoulder.

"We're fine. Everything's fine." I tell her lightly, although I'm not sure.

The crowd is getting thicker, everyone pressing in on each other until we've come to a halt as people are shuffled through. The mansion is looming in the distance but the gates aren't open, Peacekeepers line it, preparing the crowd. That's when I spot the Peacekeepers moving through the crowd. They're removing hoods, checking under hats. They're headed our way.

"Gale." I whisper harshly, looking over at him.

"I know." He takes Katniss by the elbow and we move backwards through the crowd slowly. We can't fully turn around without raising suspicion to us, not that we're not doing so already by moving backwards and away. Catora staggers and nearly falls. She comes face to face with a kid as she begins to stand. The girl with blonde hair in pigtails looks at Catora funny and tugs on her moms hand. I haul Catora up and drag her backwards

"She recognized me." Caotra hissed.

"It doesn't matter." I assure her. I glance back. The mom and the kid are watching us go. When she catches my eye, her face lights up in alarm. Cressida was right, I should have worn a wig. Just as she's about to sound the alarm, an explosion rocks the ground and sends people to their knees. Then, chaos.

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