Breaking Point Pt. 1

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Cressida knocks hard on the door as Gale and I scan the area nervously. Finnick is propped up between Katniss and Catora and needs some serious medical attention and I'm just glad that the streets are deserted. Aside from the flashing images of our wanted posters being projected on several screens, there's no movement.

The Capitol must have realized at some point when they were digging for our bodies, that there were no bodies to be found. That's when they sent the mutts after us, figured out where we were going and sent the Peacekeepers to trap us. If they didn't get the job done, then the Pods they set up sure would.

"Cressida.." I say icily. No ones around but we're out in the open.

"I know, I know." She says, knocking harder on the door. When it opens, someone I don't expect looks out at us. "Tigris, let us in." Tigris lives up to her name. She has a face like a cat with whiskers to match and tattoos lining her cheekbones and eyes. She glances at the seven us almost disdainfully. She's a pervious stylist for the Hunger Games, I remember the name but she was let go some years back. This is what's become of her. "Plutarch said you could be trusted." With a small frown, Tigris opens the door to her shop for us.

We stagger in and Tigris shuts and locks the door with a flurry of swishing fabric. She eyes us incredulously. I'm not sure if I should express my gratitude yet. She looks like the kind of person to betray us. "I can't keep the store locked, follow me." She purrs. Catora staggers with Finnick so I help her while Katniss goes to Gale who looks just about ready to collapse as well.

The seven of us are shown a basement of sorts, a trap door in the floor that leads to a storage room full of furs, mannequins and rank so f other indistinguishable clothes. "Stay here and stay quiet until nightfall." She tells us. That we can do. Pollux and Cressida throw down some of the fur coats and Catora and I lay Finnick down on the first pile while Gale gets the second. I hadn't realized Gale had been bitten along with Finnick. Katniss is bleeding as well but she's more focused on Gale now than herself.

"Catora are you okay?" I ask her as she cleans Finnick's wounds. He's feverish and sweating profusely. He needs a doctor or at least some medication.

"I'm fine." She says softly. "You should wash off that blood." She says, gesturing to my arms. I have scratches up and down them from those damn Mutts but I don't care. They don't sting that much.

"It won't kill me." She purses her lips and looks toward Katniss who is softly stroking Gale's hair.

"Katniss." Catora calls out lightly. "Finnick needs stitches.. I know you're not a healer but.. Your hands are steadier than mine right now." Katniss nods and stands, moving towards Finnick and bringing with her the needle and thread she was using to stitch together Gale's wounds. Catora stands, brushing off her pants before holding out her hand to me. "Come wash that off." I take her hand and we walk to the sink together.

Catora stares at herself in the dirty mirror but she must not like what she sees because she quickly averts her eyes. Standing beside the sink, she turns it on and removes the pack from my back. My muscles are sore, I didn't realize. I cringe a little as she rolls up my sleeves. "Just cut them off." I tell her. Taking the knife I hand her, she breaks through the fabric and pulls it from my arms. Her hands shake as she washes the blood down the drain. "What's wrong?"

"Have we done this before?" She whispers.

"No this exactly but.. The first games, you got hurt."

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