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"What are we running from!" Cressida shouts as Pollux takes the lead.

"Whatever the hell is calling her name!" Peeta snaps back. I breathe in sharply, more out of fear than anything but Peeta doesn't look at me as we continue to run, the water churning around us. After waking up the rest of the crew, we knew we couldn't stay in our compartment. It was blocked off on one end, we would have been sitting ducks. Everyone was tired but hearing something hissing my name was enough to get us all moving.

Everyone comes to a screeching halt as we come to a fork in the sewer system. There's three connecting tunnel systems as well as the one behind us. The room is circular and it only makes everything scarier because the sound is echoing off the walls and nobody can tell where it's coming from. "What's the hold up?" Gale demanded. Pollux quickly began signing, turning around and around with a worried expression on his face.

"They've rebuilt the tunnels since he's been down here. He doesn't recognize this part." Castor says breathlessly.

Catora. Instinctively, I move closer to Peeta.

"Whatever it is, we won't let it get you." He says touching the sides of my face and staring into my eyes. I nod my head slowly but I'm freaking out as he moves to the front of the group. Finnick moves next to me and I know I can trust him, this version of him, not the monster from my warped memories.

Peeta. Everyone freezes as another name is hissed. "They're getting closer." Jackson murmurs.

Finnick. I watch the golden boy stiffen. Kill.

"This way!" Castor shouts and we take off again down the tunnel to our left.

"Does he know where we're going?" Gale shouts. Castor doesn't answer, maybe because he doesn't hear or maybe because Pollux is just guessing. Nobody asks again. The hissing is drawing closer and I'm running out of breath. I'm pregnant, running through water that's up to my calves and it's draining me.

"Don't slow down now Girl on Fire." Messalla says as he runs next to me.

"I can't do this." I pant.

"Yes you can, move." He says before taking my hand and pulling me along. If I don't keep up, I'll trip. If I trip, I'll die. Whatever mutts are after us, they mean to kill. Another split in the tunnel ahead but this time there's only three choices. The tunnel behind us and two in front.

The hissing is now accompanied by the sounds of sucking and snapping of teeth. Pollux and Castor seem to be trying to work out where we're going as Peeta walks towards me. He unlocks my handcuffs. "Peeta!" I cry out. He takes my hand and squeezes it.

"Whatever those things are, they're after you and you need both your hands to fight. Bringing his hand gun out, Peeta hands it to Messalla. "Arm them." He says, pointing to Cressida, Castor and Pollux. My breathing quickens as I listen to the Mutts. I feel like I'm about to have a panic attack, here and now.

Jackson and Gale show them how to aim and fire in under five seconds before we're on the move again. We can't stay in any one place for long. As we sprint through the tunnel system, I begin to feel weak. If this goes in for much longer, I won't be able to keep going. After five minutes of solid running, I call out, "Stop!" Everyone halts, water splashing against walls.

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