Propaganda II

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"Why do I have to learn how to shoot a gun if I'm not going out into the field?" I demanded glaring at the gun in my hand. I didn't even want to look at it, let alone touch it. Guns were destructive, even more so than a bow and arrow. It was more destructive than a lot of things but less deadly than a bomb. I would have preferred to hold  a spear, crossbow or frankly, nothing at all. But a gun? I wasn't like the Capitol. 

"You don't want to go out there?" Gale asked as he turned back to look at me. We were at the firing range. I was guessing he had been here a bunch of times before because everyone greeted him warmly and he was an excellent shot and not just because he's been working with a bow for years.

"I only want to go out there for Catora." I clarified.

"Okay so what happens when we encounter Peacekeepers?" He asked lowering his own gun.

"I kill them."


"Does it matter? They'll be dead."

"Or you'll be dead from a bullet to the head." Gale said forcefully. I didn't reply just glared up at him. "Peeta, it's not up to me okay? They want you to learn and I'm going to teach you."

"Why? We're not exactly friends." Gale sighed and looked back to the paper target.

"Just please fire the gun." He said gesturing to the target and stepping out of the way. I ground my teeth but took his place in front of the target that was hung nearly twenty feet away. I had watched Catora hit moving targets from farther away. Couldn't be too hard right? A gun isn't as different as a bow.

Taking position I aimed the gun and breathed out through my mouth. Bracing myself for the kickback, I fired. "Where id it hit." Gale muttered next to me, jumping the barricade and walking towards the target.

"Probably should have put up a new target I said remembering how he had peppered this one with bullet holes. Gale agreed and we started from scratch. This time he had me fire off, five times in succession. Three of them hit their marks but the other two were a little off.

Gale had me working on aim and stance for nearly two hours before I was fed up with all of it. "We're done. Okay?"

"Fine. Whatever." He said backing up and shaking his head. He was sick of being in my company as well.

"You guys are past your schedule anyways." Katniss said, walking in and startling us. Gale and I hadn't noticed that everyone had moved on already. There was a schedule to keep. "It's time to start the Propo's."


They were going to be flashy, grand. Like something you might see coming from the Capitol and they were going to be broadcasted to all of the District's. We lucked out in saving Beetee, turns out he was the one who designed the network the Capitol uses to broadcast it's videos out to all of Panem. The only downfall is that broadcasting straight into the Capitol is impossible.

"It's basically like having to walk through rows and rows of walls of fire. It's going to take me some time to hack back into it. At the time, when I made it, I didn't think about making a backdoor entrance to the computer system." Then the rest of his talk was all technical and I couldn't keep up or wanted to to be honest. Besides, I had to go to hair and makeup.

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