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"They're back!" Katniss shouted, causing me to jump to my feet. I could tell she was worried. Whether it was about Catora or Gale I didn't know though. My heart started racing as I chased after Katniss. The only thing I could think about was Catora. Catora. Catora. Catora.

"Catora! Where is she?" I shouted rushing into the medical ward after Katniss, who let out a yelp upon seeing Gale. She threw her arms around him in a hug and Gale hugged her back tightly, murmuring something to her. "Gale." I demanded.

"She's back there but Peeta... There something you should know." Gale said, trying to stop me as I moved past him.

"Let go of me!" I snapped at him. Gale didn't release my arm though.

"Oh calm down lover boy." A voice shouted at me. Johanna. She was pulling her IV out and sitting up, pushing the Doctor away from her. Her hair.. It was all gone. "Ah yes, I'm a sight for sore eyes aren't I?"


"Annie!" The blond wonder exclaimed running into the room and rushing towards a red headed girl. So she was Annie.

"And you really should listen to him Bread Boy.. This is important." Johanna looked at me almost sternly and I frowned stepping back a little. Gale let go of my arm.

"The doctors, they ran some tests on her on the ship and..." He paused.

"And what?" I demanded.

"Catora, she's pregnant." My shoulders dropped and I became rigid. My lips were parted slightly in surprise as I stared at him quizzically.

"What?" I questioned. Johanna started laughing and I turned to glare at her.

"Is it not yours?" She continued to laugh. "Tall, dark and handsome, is it yours?"

"It is mine!" I snapped at Johanna. "At least.. It should be." Katniss looked at me with surprise and confusion,

"You and Catora... But she never told me.."

"It happened the night before the reaping." I murmured.

"The timeline makes sense then." Gale said rubbing his eyes tiredly. He wasn't angry like I expected him to be. Was he over Catora then? Was he in love with Katniss? Good. "Just..." Gale sighed. "She's in bad shape Peeta. That makeup she was wearing.. It covered up a lot." My heart sank as he patted my shoulder lightly.

"Peeta." Someone called out. A man was pushing a nurse away so he could look at me. I vaguely recognized him as a previous Victor from District 3. "She talked about you often. You mean a lot to her." I pursed my lips. "I'm Mack, Catora and I.. We were next to each other in the Cage."

"The Cage?" I questioned. "What happened to you guys?" Mack said nothing. "Gale, what did you see?" I demanded.

"Nothing good."

"All that matters is that we're here now. Go see Catora. She needs you." Mack said earnestly. I nodded. Catora needed me.  Walking past them, I headed toward Catora's room. Doctors were rushing in and out of it. I swallowed hard as I stepped through the open door. She was putting back on her thin robe and facing away from me on the doctor's table.  "Catora." She stiffened at the sound of my voice, her back becoming rigid. She dug her nails into the cushion on the table. "It's me, Peeta." I continued, walking around to look at her properly.

Her hair was wet and her eyes hallow, dark circles were under them and there were bruises around her neck and her wrists. She was unnaturally pale and her arms were skinnier than I remember. Was she malnourished? Was the baby okay? "Catora." She just stared at me blankly. "Doc?" I asked turning to the man in the room who was writing on a clipboard. "How is she and the baby?"

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