Hijacked Pt. Two

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"Please, please! I'll do anything!" I begged, pulling against my restraints futilely. "My baby.. My baby."

"I can assure you, the child will not be hurt." The man said, flicking the needle before squirting a bit of the venom out of its tip. Breathing labor fly, I pulled again at the leather around my wrists. "This pain is all psychological. The venom is not affecting your unborn child."

"How can you know that!" I shouted at him as he moved to stick the needle in my arm.

"I don't. Mere.. Guesswork." He said with a shrug before sticking the needle in me. I cried out in pain as he pushed down on the plunger.

"No more!" I begged. "No more!"

"Ms. Melane, after this there will be no more sessions. Our work will be complete."

"Work." I groaned, sweat already shiny on my skin.

"Now, relax. You can't fight the venom." He picked up a remote and began fiddling with the projector until images and videos of Peeta covered the wall in front of me.

"Peeta." I whispered. Peeta. The love of my life. The man who would do anything to save me, protect me. Was he looking for me now? Fighting for me? Did he realize our child wasn't a bluff? It was real. I was really pregnant. "Sweet dreams Catora." He left the room to let the venom work its course. But it was Peeta.. They couldn't change all my memories of him. They didn't have footage of everything he said, everything we did together. They couldn't change my view on him. They could turn me into s monster, make me believe everyone hated me.. But they could not change how I felt about him. There was no way. I wouldn't let it happen.

I blacked out when the pain became too much. My final thought was of Peeta. And god I wish it hadn't been.


"Together?" I whispered as Peeta poured an even amount of berries into my palm.

"Together." He repeated, touching my hair lightly. I smiled at him as we counted down. At three, I poured the berries into my mouth. Nothing happened. They were going to let us die. I looked at Peeta earnestly. He nodded his head. I bit down on the berries, their juice spreading out over my tongue. Huh, they were sweet. Who would have guessed. I chewed slowly, waiting for death.

That's when I realized that Peeta was neither chewing the berries nor had he put them in his mouth. He was still holding them. They were out in the open in the middle of his palm. My eyes grew wide and I spit out the remaining berries in my mouth. "Peeta!" I screamed. The poison was already taking affect. My throat closing up, I could barely breath already.

"I don't want to die here Catora.. I'm sorry. Truly." But as he said it, he was smiling. He had planned this. He wanted me dead. He wanted me dead.

"Peeta.. Please." Feeling light headed, like I was about to faint, I stumbled toward him. Peeta caught me and gently laid me on the ground. "I.." Reaching out, I touched his cheek but he shied away from my touch. Standing, he stared down at me from above. "I.. Love.."

"I know.. But I don't love you." With the last beat of my heart, the canon fired.


This is it.. One of us has to die. I'm not going to kill him and he won't kill me so I have to do this myself. Drawing my knife, I press the tip of it onto my shirt, right above my stomach. "I can't kill you."

"Catora!" Peeta shouts as he tries to disarm me but I'm faster than he is and I easily evade him.

"Please Peeta! Just let me do this." I beg.

"Give me the knife!" He shouts. My hands shake badly. Wincing in pain, I press the blade into my skin. It draws blood. "Catroa." Peeta says sounding agonized. He's biting his lip watching the knife. I'm hesitating. I don't want to die but if i have to in here it better by my own hands.

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