6.2 A New Player

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The next day, Y/N was walking down the street on his way to work. He was whistling a Christmas tune stuck in his head. He looked around at the decorations strewn about the street. San Francisco may not have snow, but it surely knew how to decorate in the festive fashion. 

Suddenly, Y/N heard screaming from down the street. He ran towards the source of the noise and saw smoke rising out of a building. The top two floors were on fire and there were people stuck up there! He had to do something. He reached into his bag to try and find something. His suit was still at the lab, but he may have a few disks on him. 

Y/N watched as the inferno grew. However, before he could react, someone else took action. A man wearing another suit grew to a large size. The suit was similar to the Ant-Man suit, but slightly different. It had blue and white colors and a collar around the chest. The mask had more defined tubing and a more prominent muzzle compared to the disk shape of the Y/N's helmet. 

The large man reached up his hand towards the open window. The trapped civilians crawled into his palm and he gently placed them down on the ground. He continued to get more people out as the fire department arrived. They began putting out the fire and the large man shrank down, disappearing into the crowd of people.

Curious, Y/N walked towards the man's location. He saw people getting help from the fire department and holding onto loved ones. The man in blue and white was nowhere to be seen. Then, out of the corner of his eye, Y/N thought he saw a familiar helmet shape move down an alleyway. He approached the alley and saw the man breathing heavily. He steadily approached him.

Y/N: Must be tiring getting big. Trust me, I know.

The man saw he was spotted and tried to run down the alley. Y/N chased after him. He pulled out a disk and enlarged a large crate, blocking the man's exit route. The man grew big to try and crash through it. However, Y/N quickly hit him with a shrinking disk, forcing him back to his normal size.

The man headbutt the crate and toppled back, dizzy. He tried to grow again, but found his suit was out of particles. He then looked at the enlarged crate and his forced size change. He slowly turned around and looked at his pursuer. Putting two and two together, he realized the man's identity.

?: You're... you're the Ant-Man?!

Y/N: I believe so, yes. And personally, I like to get to know a fellow hero. Especially one who uses my tech.

?: Well, technically, it's not your tech. It's not mine either. We both just use it.

Y/N: Fair point. And you are...?

The man paused for a moment. There was no point in lying. He pressed a button on his neck and retracted his mask. Y/N took note of the man underneath the suit. He appeared no younger than himself. He had a darker skin tone and a black goatee alongside a black mustache. His hair was a bit longer and clearly sweaty from his experience.  He held up his hands as if he were being arrested.

  He held up his hands as if he were being arrested

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