Chapter 1 (the time we met)

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Chan's POV:

I'm leading a group of people in the museum, and also explaining each of the creations information. It was all lovely really, i love this job.., but out of all the people there were, there was this one cute guy who has been asking a lot of question. I myself kinda got confuse, and the thing  is that, he's been coming around here more often...., i think he's around my age?, maybe i should get to know him then..., i hope it wouldn't be akward.., he usually stays a bit later then the others.., maybe there is where i should start with!



The tour ended a bit earlier since some part of the museum are closed at these hours, so everybody left quickly, exept for him..., he has brown hair.., a oversized sweater, he had earphones on, and some army coloured cargo pants..

Chan: Sorry, hey there!

??: oh hey, do i need to leave?.....

Chan: nono, it's fine, i'll stay a little late if you'd like!

??:......oh... thank you..

Chan: may i ask what's your name?

??: oh I'm Seungmin

Chan: well hello there seungmin i'm Chan!, i've noticed that you've been coming here more often, u love history huh?

Seungmin: well.....not much actually.., i just got a project to work on and all the information i need for the project is pretty much here

Chan: well.., maybe i could help do your project! You could submit it earlier thay way

Seungmin: Really??, aren't you a little old to understand these types of project?

Chan: Hey. Im not that old.

Seungmin: well....nevermind that, you still have work to do anyways...

Chan: i can do some changes!

Seungmin: why are you helping me anyway...

Chan: first, i love to help people, second, i love history!, third i haven't had a break since a month, so this could be my time to rest....and maybe we can..become friends?

Seungmin: ...sure...friends.....hey. now that i think about it..., you should rest more..., you nearly work everyday.., i heard that you'll grow wrinkles if you don't rest not gonna grow old cause of not resting. But....well, this is the only way to pay my bills man-

Seungmin: ..... right-

We then made some plans for the meet up, and he was free on a saturday,'s usually packed when saturday in the museum.., i guesse my friend Binnie could help out!. We planned it and i told the security i was gonna leave. I know everyone in the building, even the owner, and the researchers and so on. I love to get to know people, and they usually ask me for help, and sometimes take their position in need for their breaks..., but i think i don't deserve a break since i didn't do much like the others..., but for this saturday i might take a break.... I reached home and was going to ask my boss if i could have the day of on saturday

??: *Ringing* ............., Hello? Oh Channie!,

How are you doing?

Chan: I'm good Lisa, how about you?

Lisa: i'm doing fine as well, im really sorry but can you make it quick? I need to attend a meeting

Chan: o-oh sorry i'll just ask later

Lisa: nono!, if it's you, then its the first priority, now whats up?

Chan: well.., do you mind if i have a break for saturday?

Lisa: ........

Chan: ...... lisa??

Lisa: sorry, i was actually shocked you wanted a break..., beside family buisness you barely asked for a break.., ofc sweetheart you need your break! Instead of Saturday only, how about from friday till Sunday?? I could ask the others to fill you in!

Chan: but that's-

Lisa: ok! It's decided! You're free from Fri till sun, k?? I gotta go now see ya sweetie!

Chan: yeah yeah, thanks MoM

Lisa: don't you dare say that to your MoThEr.

Chan: hahahaha, talk to you later Lisa

Lisa: see ya Chan!

Haha.., she's been acting like a mother to me..., at least a mother figure in Korea wouldn't hurt..i then went to sleep.

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