Chapter 2 (Our 'date')

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(Hello~!, an update for Author!, im not really sure or know how does most artist or other buisness works, so if i was not to logical about it, please let me know~!, thank you)

Next day i was so glad i woke up, and...had the most relaxingst sleep i've had in my life..., it was 10:02 am in the morning i panicked just to remember that i had the day off..., what should i do?.. i went out to the fridge just to see that i might be out of food..... like really. Out of food.

I went out to buy some groceries and it was on of my friends workplace so i got to see them!

??: Chan!, you at work?

Chan: nah, i'm having a holiday

??: the bang chan?? Finally having holiday? Daamn~

Chan: oh stop being dramatic Jisung.

??: i'm just happy bud!

Chan: aren't you supposed to be at the studio rn?

??: kinda having to stop going to the studio for awhile-

Chan: what's wrong?

??: idk constructionfor the bulding? Plus, some projects are shut dowm or cancled last minutes, and we're kinda on break at the moment, so...this is why im working here at the moment, plus if there was a project, i'll do work at home or even here on my breaks!

Chan: ahhh, alr take care Hannie, thanks again!

Han: no probs~!!

Hahaha, he's so adorable just like a quokka!i went straight to my house and cooked lunch, i might have spend my time at a café to drink a coffee, so it was lunch time. My day went on like nothing happened till i struggled sleeping.., it took me 5 hours to sleep and it was already 4:00am.

The next day i woke up to an alarm reminding me to meet seungmin....... Shit. I gotta get ready!, i have to meet seungmin near the **** park!

Seungmin POV:

I was waiting for chan to come...., and he was already running down the street....  Haha he tripped a bit roughly to the ground, and i went to him

Seungmin: you alright hyung?

Chan: damn..., i should look at my way...

Seungmin: yeah be more careful hahahaha

We then ended up doing my project together, surprisingly he knew my assignment well and helped me fill in the information i needed for the project, i myself was satisfied with he's answer.... He's been getting a bit close to the laptop which was on my lap..., and man my face started to burn up!, he was so close..., he has a big beutiful nose, pretty eyes... and a very cute smile...wasn't he half korean and half australian?

Chan: hey you ok?? 

Seungmin: o-oh y-yeh!

Chan: .....mayeb we should take a break.., what's your fav drink?

Seungmin: hm?? Coke

Chan: alr i'll be back

.....he then left me alone in the garden.10 minutes later he was back and gave me a Coke...,why did he have to pay...

Seungmin: you don't have to pay you know..

Chan: it's fine! My treat

Seungmin:   ..... thank you..

Chan: no probs mate

Seungmin:  .... I've heard your half australian?

Chan: ?? Oh yeah! I am, Australia is my home town 

Seungmin: i see...

Chan: you ready to continue?

Seungmin: yup

We continued talking about my project and finished not long after 

Seungmin: finally....

Chan: wooh! You did it!

Seungmin: ..we did it... we...

Chan:  ......., anyway there is a café nearby, wanna go together??

Seungmin: sure

We then strated to pack up and headed to the café, apparently it was a cat café......, not gonna lie it reminds me of minho, a cat lover friend of mine, he might be annoying, but a caring guy (he doesn't show it much). We went inside and registered 2 seats for us, it was so comfy, and the cats has been coming up to us while we're waiting for food....., i think chan has a pet at home or he reaaaally loves animal, he just pats every single cat he see's and not gonna lie, he's using that baby voice as if the cat were like son's to him..., it was cute but same time...a bit cringy..×

Chan: not gonna lie seungmin, you resemble as a puppy now that i see it

Seungmin: is that so?

Chan: yeah! When your happy your eyes widen, it's really cute!

Seungmin: o-ohh •\\\\\•

Chan: and you remind me of My friend Jisung and my dog Beryy!

Seungmin: ..your friend??

Chan: he much more resembles a quokka! He looks adorable when he eats! Hold up i'll show you a pick

Seungmin: ok

He....., he doesn't have a crush on that guy right?? Ugh...., do i really have to suck at my love life....., it's fine.., their probably just friends.. right?? I can't just get jealous easily! I just get to know Chan! I can't ruin it now! its weird ti get jealous...i barely knew him mentally (as is personality, hobbies, fav things, ect)

Chan: tadaaa~, Quokka right?

Seungmin: ..he actually does-

Chan: and this is my pet berry!, he looks like you!, cute, tiny, smoll

Seungmin: .......

He...he says im cute?, butttt.... Tiny?.. smoll?? Am i really that short?, i'm pretty sure im a few cm taller that him.tch. He looked down on me....but such a cutie! He is older tho.....this feels rarely like this...wth...

Chan: So, how about you?? Do you have pet's at home??

Seungmin: not really..

Chan: awwww i see, i think you yourself is a puppy

Seungmin: (he's eyes widen at the compliment) ........ 

Chan: hahaha, why so surprised?...well we should get to know eachother, yeah??

Seungmin: oh yeah! Sure

Chan: well alr.. ummm, ok, My name is Christopher Bhang, my friends call me bangchan or chan for short. I have a cute dog Berry, and two younger siblings!. Im currently living alone in a appartment, and my job is....wel you know the answer to that hahaha (as he smiles widly)

Seungmin: umm, well, My name is Kim Seungmin, my friends calls me minnie or seungmin. I don't have any pets, and i have an older sister. Im currently living with my sister right now and well im a high school student...

Chan: So what do you usally do in your free time?

Seungmin: well...i like playing some games and read, how about you?

Chan: Well, i like to read as well! And maybe go out for a stroll to the park when needed or stressed!

We then talked till out food arrived, it looked very yummy and tasty. I ordered some chicken with french fries and a black coffee, while chan choss Fish and chips and lattè. We were in the cafè for quite long and get to knew eachother well. He was intresting in my opinion.... and the way he talks was mesmerizing....i might actually fall for him even more sooner or later....After talking for another 2 hours we went home. Chan ended up walking me home afterwards even tho i insisted him not to....he's really errogant. I told him to text me if he got home and glad he was safe....We exchanged number awhile ago when we arrived to my place. We chatted for awhile and i immidiatly went to sleep.

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