Chapter 18

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The two had still barely spoken a word with each other. With how busy both of them are, they barely had time for eachother. Now was the weekends and both are still busy with their own thing. Seungmin was anxious to hear the results from the teacher of how their performances were. Chan on the other hand still has a lot of work dumped on him, with him having 2 jobs and insomnia, it wasn't him.

It was now Sunday, when the test result will be announced. Seungmin didn't care what time it was until he saw those results. He was in his room, scrolling to social media while waiting for the results. At Friday, the teachers informed them that if they had to take remedial they are told in the chat with their teacher in private massages.

He waited. And waited, till the test results coming. Not eager to leave the phone until the massage got send to their class groupchat.

It was now 6pm at night and he had still waited for a notification from Whatsapp.


Seungmin immidiatly opened the massage and just to see......Chan still texting him.


Hey min!

How are you??

Hope your doing well

I know hard hard you can be to yourself but please don't overwork yourself ok??

New massages!

*sighs*. 'Why are you caring for me when you can't take care of yourself..'
He then scrolled through their chats. They had been talking about their day, activities and Planning to hangout eachother, he missed that and that's for sure. But with all the test and results, he didn't want to lose his focus.


He checked to see what the other notifications were about. He clicked the notification just to make his heart drop..

Mr. Jeong

I'm really sorry to annouce to you Seungmin, that you have to take remedial for your History test. You were really good Seungmin but sadly one point away from the required passing grade.


'There is now way', 'I did my very best yesterday.', ' why did they have to raise the score.', 'why can't they just give me the score i require.', 'Was one of my explenations wrong?', 'How the f**k did i got one point away from the required score.', 'Did they did a mistake?', 'They must've given a mistak..'

He waited and waited for his teacher to correct him...But sadly it was only one massage of what time the remedial was held. He couldn't contain his teard anymore. He has to let them fall. All his hard work, for this?. Some people might say 'his overreacting, 'oh please i got that score and didn't have a problem with it'. But if you were born or addicted to having high standards then, nothing...just nothing can fix problems like these. He worked hard for it. He even rarely got sleep cause of it. It wasn't his fault. ....Right??

On the other hand, Chan was still full on schedule. He had been composing his song for awhile. Han still isn't available by his side, he had to take things on his own matter. Sometimes he just wants to sit and just rest while cuddling with anyone and this point. He was close to his limits and of course, was way more exhausting then the usual days dealing with his insomnia. But now with working on the songs, getting ready to release his album, learning his choreography and working at the museum, still packed schedule, it was harder to rest or maybe he could only get an one hour sleep. Han and his co-worker (both are his besties ok?) Changbin had been constantly nagging him to go to sleep or at least rest. but he couldn't do that. He had to release his album around those weeks.

Not bothering to sleep Chan was at his studio, composing one of his songs for the new release of his album. Drinking more, and more, and more coffee around the hours. He had been getting tons of notifications recently, and it wasn't really something usual for him. Well notifications from IG yes, but this was from WA. He then opened it and read it out loud. It was from his close friend Han. 

Han Hanniee:

Hey Chan?

Please don't panic ok?

But i heard from Minho that Seungmin went to the hospital.

It wasn't a serious injury, but he was asking for you

                                                                                                      Were are you guys? 

at ************, ***** ****

                                                                                          I'll be there in five minutes.

And with that Chan rushed to the hospital. Hoping to see Seungmin doing fine. But of course, he wanted to be there as fast as he can as he started to go through every single car that was infront of him. He rushed while feeling guilty, not taking care of his friend more love of his life..

((IDKKK DRAMATIC MUCH-?? I'm so sorry!, i'm actually hoping to make another book tho-, but obviously not gonna upload until its complete, cause this one sucks-. I wanna thank  @MerveTheSheepJR for the idea and love and support from @yourneighborhoodstay  @mintchoco_2good !! And thanks as well for those who read and voted for the story! Thank you!!))

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