Chapter 4

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Seung's Sis: Seungmin! Wake up!

Seungmin: 5 more minutes.....

Seung's sis: no!, get up!

Seungmin: fine...

I got up and took a quick shower.....15 minutes is a quick shower you know. I quickly went down stairs and ate breakfast, and my sister was ready, waiting for me in the car. Without any interuption, i went straight to the car and my sister drove immidiatly stright to my school. She droped me of near the gates and we bid our goodbyes.

I was about to go inside of the bulding till i sawed someons familiar........


I ment Bang chan?

I went up to take a closer look and yes it was Bang chan....with this short freckled boy? I think he was the same age as me? Since he's class was beside me, i was fimiliar with him, and....Chan kissed him on he's forehead... are they dating??

Chan: Oh hey seungmin!

Seungmin: ah hey...

i got a bit uncomfortable with the freckled boy...., byt not gonna lie, he looks adorable. Doe eyes, he's freckles looking like stars, blond fluffy hair...from the looks, He looked like a soft angelic boy

Felix: ah hello! I'm Felix! Chan's friend, Nice to meet you!

...............HE VOICE WAS SO DEMONIC?????! I've never seen a combonation of a face of an angel but a low voice....

Felix: oh...sorry... i guessed my low voiced surprised you yeah??

Seungmin: yeah.., but it's sounds soft and sweet tho!, btw the name is Seungmin

Felix: I'm actually surprised you did't ran away from me Seungmin..... people tend to get scared by me deep voice

Chan: not me tho~

Chan chuckled a little earning a smile from Felix. Chan sure is really friendly with everyone around him, huh?

Seungmin: Hey chan?, why are you here?? Don't you have work?

Chan: Just dropping of my baby!

Felix: Akhem.

Chan: sorry i ment dropping lixxie of here

Seungmin: ahh i seee

Chan: Speaking of work, i'll be going now

Felix: Bye Channie Hyung!

Seungmin: Bye Chan

Chan: Bye lixxie! Bye Seungie!



Felix: Hey your from class *** right?

Seungmin: yeah..

Felix: would you like to go together?

Seungmin: sure

We walked to class together, and on the way there Minho Hyung waved at me

Minho: Hey Suengmin!

Seungmin: Hye Hyung

Minho: *whispers* i sawed the cute guy from the market again two days agooo~

Seungmin: oh really?

Minho: Yeah, and we've been flirting with each other since the day we met.

Were we ment to be? [Chanmin]Where stories live. Discover now