Chapter 9 (Catching up)

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(Omg-  its my time to shine 😙)

Seungmin was sitting on his desk zoning out looking at his books, redoing his worksheet to understand the material given by the teacher.

Seungmin: *sighs*

Felix: Hey, what's wrong? Your zoning out..

Seungmin flinched by the voice he heard from behind he's neck. He then felt someone hugging him and putting his head on his neck.

Felix: Hey miniieee~

Seungmin: Hey Felix

Felix: What's wrong??, you looked confused..or dissapointed..

Seungmin: ah....its nothing important

Felix: ok...if you do need anything remember i'll be here!, Anyways, Me, Hyunjin and Minho Hyung will be going to a Cafè near my House!.

Seungmin: Hmm....i'm not sure..

Felix: But Channie Hyung is coming

Seungmin: ......sure ig..

Felix: Awwww~, would you look at that~, your so whipped for Channie Hyung~

Seungmin: As if. We're just  close friends. Plus, he's my free ride home

Felix: whatever you say Seungie~, we know that's just an excuse~

At this point Seungmin was burning up and avoiding to make eye contact with Felix, still overthinking what felix said before.

Felix: lets go before you die of embarrassment-

Seungmin: .......

It's was around 4 months now since Chan and Seungmin met, and anyone, or I should say Felix can see how whipped was Seungmin towards Chan. Recently Chan had to work part time. At the museum and at the studio where his friend Han was working with, recently Chan had been helping Han with his music and hasn't had time for 'relaxing'. And this was bothering and annoying Seungmin. 'How could he be so reckless?', 'How can this guy just messed up his sleeping schedule??', 'I know he has insomnia but...' those were the questions that was always throughout his minds. Without realizing, he was already in front of the cafè they had agreed to meet.

Minho: Lixxie!, Seungmin!, over here!

Minho called out to the two.

Hyunjin: you guys were taking so looong, did you got lost on the hallway??

Felix: No we didn't~, someone was just daydreaming

Minho: oooh~ about who?

Felix: hahaha, not mee~

Minho: ..... ahhhhh

Hyunjin: ah I'm sorry, but who is the one next to you?

Felix: He's-

Minho: He's-





Minho: You go

Felix: Right, sorry, He's name is Seungmin, I met him a few days ago before meeting Minho!, He's Minho's friend!

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