Chapter 16

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"*groans* Whaaaaat..."

"You have your vocal lessons today!, you have to get readyy!!"

"I am ready.."

"Not dressed like that you aren't."


In the end of the day Seungmin's sister chosed his clothes for him. The fact he actually wore it was a but surprusing, not for his sister tho.

Seungmin came to his vocal lesson just in time. Not to early, not to late. Why? Ofc his beautiful Channie waz the one who dropped him off~ <33.

"See you later?"

"Yup! I'll come to pick you up later. Jusy call me when its done. You have an extra lesson today right?"


"Alr! See you later Seungiee!"

"See ya"

Chan waited for the boy to enter the building for his lesson. Before he went inside, a boy chased after him, nudging him from behind. He was talking to Seungmin, making his ears got red.

*Who is that guy...*

He questioned out of curiosity. He looked like he was flirting or so....the fact Seungmin's ears went red made him feel........Jealous. Was it necessary to be jealous of that guy?, No. Was he jealous because he was flirting with Seungmin?, absolutely.

Chan wasn't the guy to throw hands at people. Even if he was annoyed or disliked the person, he wouldn't be the one to hate them or talk shit abt them, even if they started to give him an attitude. He would most probably glare or just stare, but never doing anything physical.

Just looking at the guy getting close to Seungmin made him felt a bit.....gloomy. Seeing him all smily like that. He wanted to do that...but now is not the best time. He had to focus on his lesson, and Chan obviously didn't wanted to distract him. So he left to go see his friend who lives nearby.

"So the one who drove you here everyday is the Chan guy?"


"And you didn't bother to tell us?"


"Kim Seungmin. I am offended and disappointed at you."

"Well to bad ig"

"'To bad'?? This is an important information!"

"No its not. You guys are going to tease me anyway."

"No we are not~, were just a sweet innocent soul that wants to help you with your love life in dream land"

" i hate you guys.."

"No you don't Hyung, you love us"

"No i don't"

"Yes you do, i'm literally your favorite"

"Well not anymore Jeongin."

"Looks like im on top then!"

"Your not any better Ji-eun."


Jeongin and IU had been teasing Seungmin after knowing his crush on the older aussie. He wasn't embarrassed, it was just annoying. People bothering you and teasing liking a guy they never even met. Jeongin might saw Chan, but doesn't mean he saw his full appearance. And they were both willing to meet him at all cost to tease him more.

Were we ment to be? [Chanmin]Where stories live. Discover now