Chapter 5

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Bang Chan POV:

It was raining heavily today so i had to get up early knowing the trafic i have to face in the morning. I got up, take a shower, ate breakfast and got my car ready to pick up felix. Until surprisingly...

                          *in the chat*

Seungmin: hey chann??

                                                  Yes Seungie?

Seungmin: I'm really sorry but can you pick me up?? My sister is busy right now and i can't seem to find a cab T^T

           Hehehehe, Alr, i'll pick you up at 6
Seungmin: Thank you Channie <3

                                           No probs minnie!

I then went to pick up felix who was already waiting for me in he's porch.

Chan: Hello Ms.Lee!

Ms.Lee: hello channie, how are you?

Chan: doing great today Ms.Lee

Ms.Lee: pls stay safe

Chan: will do!



Chan: Ready Lixxie?

Felix: yups!

Chan: we'll be picking seungmin up, kk baby?

Felix: alr!

We then soon enough arrived at Seungmin's house, i called for him and he immidiatly went inside the car not wanting to get wet. We drove to their school, and as expected, it was traffic, so i took a short route to their school not wanting to use the busy main roads and use the narrow ones, it might be tricky bu tit worked out pretty well. We arrived and felix took out he's umbrella but seungmin was still seated

Chan: hey you ok???

Seungmin: yeah...

Chan: didn't bring an umbrella yeah?

Seungmin: ....

Chan: hahahah, here~, borrow mines, you could give me back later when i come back to pick you guys up

Seungmin: 'you guys'??, you don't have to pick me up you know...

Chan: it's fine, i insist

Seungmin: i mean... i could really use your help..., alright then... thank you..chan

Chan: no problem, i'll be there when you need me

He then opened the umbrella and waved a bye to me.....,he sure is adorable when he's sad that not everyone get's to see it.. but it lso makes me extremly hapoy to hear that i am the only person he shows he's smiles to....which was a but weird and i shrugged it off. I went to work and of course had to use another narrow track, since the busy road was really packed.

It took me 25 minutes to get there but happy i manage to arrive, Binnie was already waiting for me!

Chan: binnie!

Changbin: Hey Hyung! Caught in traffic huh?

Chan: well.. kind of did when dropping of my boy

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