Chapter 3 (love?)

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Seungmin: C'mon's not thay big of a deal.....

Seung's sis: not big of a deal?, seungmin... it's been some years since your break up......,I'm just happy for you!

Seungmin: .....,Thank you sis....., you've been by my side the most....and i appriciate it..

Seung's sis: Hey...i got your back!, but enough with sad loving time!, sooo~? Is he hot~???

Seungmin: ...welll..... { shows a pic of bangchan playing with cat's }

Seung's sis: OMG! He's such a cutieee!! And hoot~, lucky² seungminn~

Seungmin: oh stop it sis..

We've been talking about Chan for over some hours, it was sunday so i had the day off. Besides talking to my sister...i basically had no idea what to do.... but now...i had Chan to talk to..., he texted with a calm, sweet and a gentle vibe.... i liked it very much.....,  it might be weird to talk to people you barely knew....but i've met him countless of time...does thay count???, well, we've been talking about our past and some things we've done today. Apparently he loves children based on how he talks about he's encoubters with them.....even the annoying loud ones.., wel i mean, he does have younger sibling, and as the elder, you'll have to go through those bullshit's.., it might be annoying, but their usually what you need from time to time..

It's been hours since we chatted, we ended up calling eachother as well, he was so cute..., he even introduced he's baby Berry!, and i had soem small talks with Hannah as well!, but Chan looked liked he didn't like the thought of it though....,wonder why...., we then said our goodbyes and ended the call....the rolm was so quite...silengs filled the room instantly... usually in these situation i think about anything and just question those...

...why did he felt special to me??, why did i started to have a tiny crush on him after two weeks going to that museum???, why did he looked so beutiful in my eyes??... why was he so adorable....,why must it be him ... a guy i barely this really love??, what id it wasn't and just a plationic feeling?.... was this really love??? my Crush really him??.....

Am i... really in love with Cristopher Bhang?....that question really made me silent.... was i.. in love with this cristopher Bhang??

I'm so sorry for the short storyyy! I just started to write so i hope you all won't get bored!

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