Chapter 12 (Together..?)

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Seungmin had finished his Vocal class previously with Jeongin, Seungmin's classmate. He and Jeongin has became more close recently, and they now, knew each other well. Minho is really close with Seungmin, as much as Felix, But the bond he had with jeongin felt different to him. Maybe it was because he was older than him instead of being his hyung, but perhaps it might be something different. Either way, Seungmin was still fazed about Minho's date name Han Jisung. Which was one of Chan's friend, or his producer friend. Not long after that date, he told Chan about it and Chan certainly knew the fact Han was having a date. Seungmin could only wish this Jisung dude, can at least tame the man or take care of him (Minho).

Seungmin and Jeongin were at a convenient store eating snacks before dinner at their own place. Until..

*Ring! Ring! Ring!*

Seungmin: hello?

Chan: Minnie!, do you mind coming to my appartment tomorrow?

Seungmin: sure, what time?

Chan: 4:00pm should be fine!

Seungmin: alright, see you

Chan: see you too!

'what was he so hyped out about?', 'why does this old man screams in my ears every time he call's me?'. Well obviously there is an answer to that, Chan recently realized the feeling he developed for Seungmin, why?, Because, he gets hyped up, Stutters, goes red as a tomato, just ignoring him ones makes him feel guilty/he's the villain just because of The Kim Seungmin. But mournfully he has yet to notice it (Seungmin). It would've been obvious to anybody, but the one who his friend with the two was currently Felix. And only he has noticed it in the time being.

After eating , Jeongin and Seungmin parted ways and went back home. Seungmin flopped onto his bed and rested peacefully. It was Autumn and his window was opened (a bit), the wind gushing inside and moved his bangs soothingly. It felt like someone was singing him a lullaby. At that very moment it reminded him when he felt Chan's touch, while teaching him how to play the guitar (Chptr 10!). He felt warm, he felt like he was safe being near or next to Chan. He felt protected as if Chan was his comfort place..this just made him missed Chan's warmth even made him wanting to cuddle him affectionately. Oh how he was whipped for the man. Seungmin then went to sleep thinking and basically greedy about Chan's warmth (CUDDLES.)

The next day Seungmin woke up refreshed. He felt a bit lonely since his sister said that she wanted to meet her friends in the morning and probably sleeping over at her boyfriends house. It's not like this wasn't un unusual thing to do, so he washed up, changed clothes and went to sit on the couch. He watched several episodes of his favorite series, he was already catching up with Jeongin. Jeongin and him had been watching the same series for awhile, and out of no where both of them had the feeling to finish the episode first was the winner. So they have been 'competing' each other ever since.

As time passed by Seungmin got ready to go to Chan's house, nervous with whatever chan had to say or do. He was fiddling with his hands, a bit anxious. Not long after, he arrived at his house and knocked the door to be greeted with a warm welco.e from someone dear to him.

Chan: Minnie!, you actually came!

Seungmin: Hahaha, what makes you say that?

Chan: you've been busy lately :(( so i thought you wouldn't come

Seungmin: Well, here i am now :))

Chan being exited boy he is, he toured Seungmin around his appartment (i don't think i mentioned where he lived? If i did, then the past me was mistakened :) ). After the little tour, he told Seungmin to sit down on his comfy couch and talked gently towarda him.

Chan: Hey Seungmin, i was thingking if you would like to join me and Han becoming a producer?

Seungmin: Me?? Joining you?? Producer?

Chan: maybe you could take advantage with those beautiful vocals of yours in advance to get accepeted into that Music Major!

Seungmin: I mean... that would take advantage on getting accepted...

Chan: so? Would you like to?

Seungmin: Well.. i mean.. i have school, Extra classes, and things to learn to get accepted..

Chan: leave the learning thing to me, i'll teach you whatever you need, you can focus on school and your classes in the mean time, i'll just call you if we already write the song!

Seungmin:'ll be writing the song all by yourself...

Chan: it's fine, im used to it anyways

Seungmin: .....

Seungmin felt guilty on making Chan do all the work and tried to convince Chan to let him help Chan. But the older reassured the brunet (Brunette are for girls while brunet are for boys :D) thay he was able to do it by himself. After awhile of silence Seungmin recomended his favorite series to Chan and watched it together on Chan's TV. They had an amazing night, and Seungmin was sure that he didn't wanted to come home any sooner. In the end, they ate dinner at Chan's house while Chan cooked dinner and Seungmin was getting the plates and rice ready. They ate the warm food with delight and was happy to eat together. Chan ended up insisting for Seungmin to stay over the night since noone was going to be at Seungmin's house. At first the brunet diagreed, but after some bribing the male with free breakfast and warm bath, he changed his mind in a split second and accepted it.

Chan insisted on sleeping on the couch since the bed was a one person bed. But with that they both ended up sleeping on the couch together. The couch was large for around 3 people to sleep there but the negative thing was, the couch wasn't really soft tho, that'z the reason why Chan insisted on sleeping on the couch, but Seungmin denied and slept beside him. There was a pillow to seperate the two since Seungmin felt akward sleeping with a friend of his. Minho and him never done this, nor his previous friends. But after some hours he felt a calm and opening atmosphere around Chan and was a little opened up to move the pillow (the one used for a barrier).

Seungmin: hey..

Chan: hey!, opening up i see?

Seungmin: yeahh..

Chan: glad to how was your day before you came here?

Seungmin: well..good, i tried to finish the series we were watching!

Chan: oohhh, i see, did you heard about the ------- --- ------

And with that, they talked together till they sleep.

(( I'll try to update more to the story!! Hope you guys liked this Chapter!!)) <33

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