Chapter 15

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Chan had finally confessed to Seungmin abiut his feelings he developed for him.


"Yeah Channie Hyung?"

"I..i lik- no...i....i love you.."


"I... I love you"



"No...nonononono. We are not more than friends...i think of you as a friend Chan...we.....we can't be more than that."

"W-wha...why??....please just take some time to reconside-"

"I said what i said Chan. If you refuse with the answer i gave. Please. Leave from my life."



Chan accepted. Oh how his heart ached badly after hearing those words going through his head. The way he was breathing dramatically changed. Into a fast and anxious one. Not long after his mind went blur. The last thing he can recall was Seungmin, running towards him calling his name out loud. But that didn't stopped Chan from being nervous.




Chan woke up with a heavy breathing, slightly shakey. He was woken up by seungmin calling out his name.

"Chan are you okay??"


"I should be the one sorry.."

'So it wasn't a dream' thought Chan. His heart racing thinking about what could Seungmin possiblly talk about.

"Your legs must've felt dead huh??"


"I slept at your thighs. My head must've been heavy huh?"

All Chan could do was sigh of relief he felt. He was really glad that he hadn't confessed to Seungmin yet and that, the dream wasn't really the ending of that confession. But still he was anxious if he reallt did confessed.

He hugged Seungmin tightly, with a sigh of relief.

"Thank god..."

Was all Chan had to say.

"You ok??"

"Yeah...yeah i'm ok"

"So what was that about??"

"Oh, nothingg"

"....Chan, it wasn't 'nothing', you didn't even breath before i woke you up"

".....Just had a nightmare, thats all"

" sure?"

"Yeah..just a nightmare!"

"If you say so.."

They walked through the park. The wind swiftly following behind.

"Hey....what's been going on with you lately??"

"Oh, nothing much!"

"You know if you have prroblems you can talk it out with me right?"

"Of course.. Of course"

With than Seungmin had a reassuring smile for Chan to feel comfort with. Seungmin wasn't really the best with words, so he tries his best using actions. Even tho it might be uncomfortable or letting his guard down, he would be willing to do that for the people he thought was important.

And having Seungmin by his side was already enough for Chan to feel comfort. He was a cuddle bug, yes. But he respects boundries, especially people he care about the most. And he appreciate it the most when people are going out of their comfort zones just to comfort him. This wad a sign that,the person cared deeply for him, and he appreciates it.

(( IM NOT SURE WHAT ELSE TO ADD, IM SO SORRRYYY. Im rrally sorry as well for the long updates, im not sure how this is gonna go, buuut, we'll see, yeah??))

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