Chapter 17

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It was now Seungmin's high school 'exit' exam (last exams before graduation). And Chan's new album releasing. Both ere very busy this week. Having to study, while the other composing his songs, and getting packed schedule in the museum. The two were to busy with eachother. Even if Chan was trying his best checking up on Seungmin every time, it will be on read or, he decline the phone calls.

Chan could talk to literally talk or chat with anyone he wanted to, but he insisted Seungmin. It made him cozy hearing him talk, looking at him zoning out, or playing with any pets. Just anything he do could sway Chan around like a mop.

But from declining and left on read started to get ignored. Chan would text and get no reply's at all, and he would just let his phone lft on ringing, ignoring him completely. Chan wan't to happy about this. Seungmin was really stressed out for his exam, as he wanted all full A's. And Chan had to understand that. Exam's aren't easy to pass. especially for student who doesn't understand the material at all. I'd say i'd give my prayers to them, thats for sure.

But Chan couldn't read Seungmin properly. how was he? Seungmin had told him not to pick him or drive him to school. That was Chan's usual thing to do. So he could only see Seungmin from afar when dropping of Felix off. This. pissed him off, but he wasn't angry at him, Just annoyed. But Seungmin was more annoyed at how much text massages and missed calls he recieved from Chan. Every time he went home, he immediatly went straight to his room to study. He didn't thought he had the right so take a rest and chill for awhile. He had to sudy his butt off.

Chan on the other side was trying his best to compose his songs before deadline. It might get release a few months after, but he still had to make the choreography and his M/V. While at it, he was starting to make and smoothen the choreography. it besides that, he still had to work in the museum, and at that mont, it was a usual thing to be packed. With that, his time to rest lessened increasingly. Making it more hard for the Aussie to even sleep. But he loved both of his jobs and wasn't willing to give both up. He loved interacting with people, plus,he gets to do his lil public speaking while doing the tour.

It was around four days into the week and both were more busy. Without the help of Han's opinion, he was a little lost with the tune or words of his song. Seungmin had his History test the next day. He asked Chan for help, but Chan didn't repond or replied any of his text. This annoyed him more.

*His been needy calling me, textiing me and everything a few days ago. and now when i actually need his help, his ignoring me. great.

But Chan didn't did that on purpose, he was busy himself with his own life having 2 jobs. But of course, Seungmin didn't know because he was busy himself to even contact Chan. Seungmin gave up on trying to call Chan for his help and called Minho instead.

"Hey Minho, i need your help with my history"

"History? why would y-....ohhhh, tomorrow is your test huh??"


"Where's that boyfriend of your~?? isn't he a Tour guide at a Museum History??

"....he ignored me"

"How so?"

"He texted me all day, two days ago. i was busy and ignored him. Now that i need his help,,,he didn't pick up..."

".....Look he might be busy. do you know how damn packed is that museum this month??"


"Exactly. It's like fucking packed Seungmin. he might as well stay up till midnight"

That was something Seungmin hated the most. Chan's sleepless nights. The Aussie had insomnia and couldn't deal with it well. So Seungmin not being there? propably means no nap, no sleep. Then a strike of guilt entered Seungmin.

* and i was already thingking. sh** about him.. *

"Alr Seungmin, open your damn textbook. you can feel guilty later"

To late..

They ended up finishing around 10;36 pm and Seungmin was getting ready for bed. No one was reminding him to take a break. With his sister busy working till midnight, no one was there to cook for him. And no one would be brushing his hair to sleep....The guilt striked again...

*I'm so sorry Chan...*

and slowly drifted off to sleep.

((Man im so sorry this sucks :((, ig they might still ignore eachother often next chapter, but imma try to make it a bit angsty?? Adioooss~))

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