Coincidence? Perhaps

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                                                                  FEB. 15, 9:45AM

Lucifer was waking up, groaning as he sat up. He scooted to the edge of the bed, about to get up, when he suddenly felt a pain in his head.

He instantly grabbed his head, slouched over. Agh! My head... Shouldn't have drank that much... He thought to himself.

He looked over to the clock, feeling a sharp pain in his neck, Probably slept wrong... "...9:47..." He mumbled, sighing as he got up, still holding his head.

Lucifer takes a shower, brushes his teeth (Bro, I don't even know if he does that-), changes his clothes, and goes down stairs... Eventually.


Once Lucifer makes it downstairs, he sees Husk, Angel, and... Oh. Alastor.

He doesn't remember much from last night, but he does remember Alastor being there.

Right... Alastor. He ... Sat down beside me, and... What again? Something about a drink, I know...

He walks up to the newly placed couch in the newly rebuilt lobby. Sitting down, picking up a newspaper and, what any normal person would do, read it.

Lucifer looked around, he didn't see Charlie anywhere in the lobby, not even Vaggie was in here yet. He began to get a little worried, as the paranoid person he is.

He continues to keep an eye out for Charlie, but still nothing. When he's about to get up to go see if she's in her room, he sees her and Vaggie walking down the steps, talking happily.

He sighs in relief before walking up to them. "Charlie! Good morning, my little princess!" He said happily hugging her. She wasn't expecting this out of him, He's never normally like this... Charlie thought to herself.

She awkwardly hugged her dad, still surprised from the sudden hug. "Hey, Dad..! ... You feelin' alright?..." She says hesitantly.

Lucifer waved his hand in dismay, "Of course! I don't even know what we're talking about!" Fuck! I messed up again!

"...Riighhhhttt.... Well, anyway, have you seen any new guest today?" Charlie asked excitedly, practically jumping up and down, her fist clenched.

Vaggie put her hand on Charlie's shoulder, "How about some breakfast first, hon? I'm starving!" Vaggie said in an exaggerated tone of voice. She took Charlie's hand and led her to the kitchen so they could cook breakfast together.

Lucifer stuck his hand out as they left, opening his mouth as if he were going to say something, but deciding against it. So, there he was, standing at the bottom of the large staircase, in the middle.

He felt awkward and nervous. Just standing there, looking around nervously. But, something made his hairs stand on end.

Something... Weird. Different. He looked around, once again he saw Angel Dust, Husk, and Alastor, he also heard Vaggie and Charlie in the kitchen, talking and laughing while cooking.

No one was looking at him, he was just standing there.

He began to, once again, think about how pitiful he was. Thinking about how even his own daughter felt uncomfortable around him. Maybe he was just overthinking? Probably.


                                                                                    FEB. 15, 4:33PM

Lucifer had went out into hell, per Charlie's request. Most didn't even recognize their own king, though, people who had been in hell for longer definitely recognized him.

He was nearing his favorite candy shop, Caramel dipped! They have the best Caramel apples! He thought to himself.

As he was about to enter the shop when all the hairs on his neck stood up. It was like that at the hotel, when he was standing alone.

He got a little spooked and walked quicker into the shop, ordering the caramel apple and waiting near the front desk. This was Lucifer's favorite place to come, it had always been so... Cheerful? Lively? Safe? Now, it felt the exact opposite.

With each minute that the cashier was gone in the back, the more he got paranoid.

He suddenly heard a voice.

"Hello, my king. Funny seeing you here."


"Wha- oh, you... What are you doing here?!" Lucifer yelled louder than expected. He had never seen The Radio Demon come into his favorite shop.

Alastor walked up, his smile never leaving, "Now, now. I'm just getting sweets for your daughter. As a little... Thank you gift." His facade could work on Charlie, but not Lucifer.

Lucifer knew he was lying straight through his teeth, but why? "Yeah, yeah. Just don't talk to me." He said, turing around to face the kitchen where the candy maker was busy at work.

Alastor leaned down beside him, his back remaining straight. "I wasn't the one who engaged the conversation, now was I?" He remarked.

Lucifer groaned, stepping to the side some to put some distance between him and Alastor. "Damnit... But, touché."

"Order 27!" Called out the cashier, holding out a brown paper bag that was neatly folded at the top.

"Oh! That's mine!" Lucifer said excitedly, running up to the man as if he were a child on Christmas morning. He took the bag, almost forcefully, from the man and opened it, preparing to eat the caramel apple right then and there.

When Lucifer turned around, there was no one. Alastor had left. Didn't he have an order??? Oh, well.

Lucifer walked out the door to do the next thing on his list, that Charlie had made for him.



                                                                                    FEB. 15, 7:02PM

As I'm walking into a casino, I take in how long it's been since I've been in one. This was... Not on the list, But, Charlie wouldn't mind, right?

He began playing, and was winning! Probably due to people being afraid of him... The ones who recognized him anyway.

He was doing rather well. He hadn't lost yet, but he hadn't played that much either. But soon, he began drinking and cockyness(?) took over his mind from winning.

Soon, once again, he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up once more, the feeling in the hotel and all the other places he had been today.

A figure appeared in front of him, his new challenger. Is that who I think it is?


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