Is It True?

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                                                                                  FEB. 15, 8:24PM

Lucifer looked at Alastor, his eyebrows furrowed. He felt... Disgusted with what Alastor had been doing, yet not nearly as much as he should have been.

Alastor stuck his hands up, "I have not did such a thing! I mean, we hate each other, why would I, of all people, follow him around?" Alastor remarked, though, he, Husk, and Lucifer knew he was lying straight through his teeth.

Lucifer felt a pang in his chest when Alastor said that, What... Is this?

"Like hell! You think I don't know your fuckin' games?!" Husk yelled, quieter than most, yet louder than his normal tone.

Alastor only glanced at Husk as a warning. "Husker. Please, would you allow me and Lucifer to continue our game?" He said, more as a command than a question.

Lucifer stood up, "No... I'm... I'm gonna go back to the hotel." He stated, going to the bar in the casino to pay.

Alastor stood up with him, "Let me walk with you." He said, back in his normal tone.

Husk just glared, no longer saying anything to stop Alastor.

Lucifer just nodded to Alastor's comment, saying he was okay with it despite Alastor allegedly following Lucifer all day.

As Alastor and Lucifer walked to the hotel, Lucifer realized, or more over thought, that Alastor wasn't as bad as he had first thought.

Alastor looked at an alley on Lucifer's side of the sidewalk as they dodged the dead bodies that littered the ground. "You know, I woke up near here when I first died."

Lucifer looked up at him, "Really?"

Alastor nodded, "Yes. I was in despair, sad, felt I had no worth. I knew my mother would have been terribly disappointed if she saw me now, what I had and have done. I know you relate to those feelings."

Lucifer's eyes went slightly wide, he... Understands how I feel? He looked to the side, determining whether or not if he wanted to tell Alastor.

"I... I, um... I felt that way when Lilith and I divorced. Actually... I've felt that since I was cast down here, causing ... Well, all this." He gestured to the people slaughtering each other, the fires in buildings, and people eating each other.

"...I felt sad... Scared... Frightened... I-i didn't know how to handle being the first cast out of heaven, being the reason almost everyone was damned to this hellhole.." Lucifer continued.

Alastor smiled wider, "I felt that way when I died." He stated bluntly, his tone same as always.

Lucifer looked back up at Alastor. They were nearing the Hotel, walking up the hill to the hotel. "...H-... How did you die?" He felt as though he were being rude and breaking the small bond he and Alastor had made.

As they walked up on the steps, Alastor opened the door and said, "That's a story for another time, I suppose. Now, shall we go in?" He turned his head to the side, his deer ears bouncing a little as he did.

Lucifer looked up at his ears, seemingly mesmerized by them. ....adorable! Lucifer thought.


"Oh, yes!! Uh, I- I, uh, walking! Yep! Walking!" He said nervously, snapping back to reality, tensing up and walking inside, very quickly. He felt his face getting hot. Way to go, idiot! He thought to himself.

Alastor chuckled, walking into the hotel after Lucifer. He easily made it up to Lucifer, with his long legs, which, Lucifer didn't have!

Lucifer looked up to Alastor, admiring his ears, Wait... Does he... Have a tail, too? He suddenly really, Really wanted to look under Alastor's coat.

Angel seemed to notice Lucifer staring, "Hey, toots. You got a crush?" He said in a teasing voice, walking up to Lucifer and placing a hand on his shoulders before smirking.

Alastor was sitting down near the couch, in his chair. He could see Lucifer and Angel, but, more than likely, he couldn't hear them. Plus, he was playing jazz music and reading a really old looking newspaper.

Lucifer instantly turned around, "Uh, what-?! Me?! No! No I don't!" He said quickly. Fuuucccckkkk!!! You idiot!!!! He thought to himself.

Angel smirked smugly and raised an eyebrow, "Yeah? Well, you should shoot ya shot. I mean, yer the king, what's the worst that can happen?"

"I don't like him!" He yelled louder than intended.

Alastor looked up, noticing the commotion. He went into his shadow form, appearing behind Lucifer and Angel. "Like who?"

Lucifer almost jumped out of his socks. Angel looked like he was about to tell Alastor, "Oh, y-" Lucifer put his hand over Angel's mouth, quickly muffling him.

"No one!" He said quickly, he could feel his face heating up. His palms starting becoming sweaty, and his heart beat quickened.

Angel pushed Lucifer's hand off of his mouth, his face scrunching up since he accidentally licked Lucifer's hand. "...ew..." He mumbled.

Alastor raised an eyebrow but didn't push anymore. "Well, I suppose it's getting quite late! I shall retire to my room." He said, turning around and walking up the stairs, and away to his room.

Lucifer and Angel watched as Alastor left. Angel was smirking widely, "Thought'cha didn't like him?" He said in a cocky, mocking voice.

Lucifer clinched his fist, looking down as his eyes narrowed, "I don't! I really don't!"

"Then why'd you stop me?" Angel asked, his voice sounding genuinely confused.

"...I... Don't know."


                                                                                 FEB. 15, 11:52PM

As I lay in bed, looking at my phone, attempting to fall asleep, I could only think about what Angel had said.

Why can't I go to sleep?

He kept trying and trying to go to sleep, but it was useless. He thought about Alastor every few minutes, and everytime, he thought about what Angel had said.

Do I really like him? I mean, of all people?

He just kept thinking and thinking, not able to fall asleep despite being exhausted.

Do I really like him? He kept thinking over and over.

Is it real?

Is it true?

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