My Dear Friend, Rosie!

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It's been a week since Lucifer and Alastor had their small talk. Vaggie, and Husk's, who's been more quiet than Vaggie, suspicions only grew stronger with each day.

Charlie was happy for her dad, he had never been this happy since she was a little girl. Though, she was a little worried, Lucifer was asking about Alastor constantly, always around him, and got anxious when he left him. Probably because of mom... She'd always think.

This day was a very particular day, Alastor had to go out for a meeting with the overlords. Lucifer, as always, was getting anxious now that Alastor was gone.

He would just wait in the lobby on a couch, fiddling with his coat and fingers. He was bouncing his leg and looking down at his fingers.

Charlie was getting worried for her Dad, as always. She walked over to her dad, careful to not startle him when he was like this. "Hey, Dad?" She asked softly, "...You alright?"

Lucifer looked up at Charlie quickly, "Oh, uh, me? Y-yeah, I'm fine! Totally perfectly fine!!!" He said quickly, standing up nervously.

"You sure, Dad? You look... Scared?" She said hesitantly, trying to find the right words.

"Ah ha! I'm fine, Charlie! I swear! Just... A little anxious..." He said unconvincingly. He placed his hands on Charlie's shoulders and gave a weak smile.

Charlie, in return, gave a weak smile back, "I'm sure he'll be back in a couple hours, Dad. Just, stop worrying so much." Charlie said softly, placing a hand on one of Lucifer's hands.

Lucifer smiled again, more genuinely this time. "Thank you, Charlie..." He said softly, looking into her eyes.

"Anytime, Dad. And, if you ever need someone to talk to, don't be afraid to ask. You know I'm always here." She stepped a little closer to put emphasis on her words.

Lucifer looked to the side nervously, "...Uh... Not here..." He mumbled, taking his hands down and placing them to his side.

Charlie raised an eyebrow, "You... Want to talk? Like, for real?" She sounded genuinely confused, he never wanted to actually tell his feelings to someone.

He looked up at Charlie nervously, quickly darting his eyes back down. He looked visibly tense, not that he wasn't before, but even more so now.

"Oh, no! It's not a bad thing! I swear! Here, let's go." She said quickly, taking Lucifer's hand and pulling him up the stairs to his room.


Alastor had finished the meeting, it was much like the last meeting; Velvette tipping off Carmilla, causing her to end the meeting.

Instead of going home, he decided to go to Cannibal Town with Rosie. Right now, they were helping one of the cannibals who was having trouble with Susan.

"Ugh! For the last time, Susan, this is a clothing store! They ain't got any food here! They make custom clothing! We do this, like, 5 times a week!" Rosie groaned, placing her hands on her hips.

"Oh, yeah. This is Cannibal Town! Everywhere should at the least have some pinkies layin' around!" Susan yelled, pointing a finger at Rosie, aggressively.

"Susan, dear, please leave the poor workers alone." Alastor said politely, with a large sigh.

"Shut the fuck up, you strawberry twig!" Susan yelled loudly, directing her attention to Alastor for a split moment before directing it back to Rosie and the other working cannibal.

Alastor's ears twitched with annoyance, he let out a loud, exaggerated sigh.

"Susan, if you want food, either go huntin' or go buy it from our markets!" Rosie said, pinching the top of where her nose would be.

Susan just got mad, "Oh, fuck you all!" She yelled, walking out of the store.

"Thank you, Rosie." The worker said appreciatly.

"No problem, dear!" Rosie said, patting the head of the cannibal before turning to Alastor. "Say, Alastor, got anythin' worth mentionin'? Been awhile since we talked!"

Alastor turned to Rosie, "Follow me, dear, we must go and sit. I have plenty of good news." He began to walk to their normal spot.

Rosie followed, and they quickly made it to their spot, since it wasn't far away.

As they sat down, Rosie was already ready for Alastor to 'spill the tea', a term she often used, and Alastor didn't quite understand. "So~? What's new with you, old friend?" She buzzed.

"Hmm, let's see..." He said, placing a hand on his chin for a moment. "The hotel has been rebuilt, and now I actually have my own room, not just a hotel room I sprused up with my magic."

Rosie nodded as she listened, "Gotcha own room 'n stuff for yourself, no one before you had been in. That's good, anything else?"

Alastor's smile widened slightly, "Well, one other tiny thing."

Rosie raised an eyebrow, "And what might that be?"

"You know Lucifer? Ha! Who am I kidding? Of course you have."

Rosie looked a bit confused, "Yeah, Lucifer Morningstar, the King of Hell, and the father of Charlie."

"Well, what if I told you, me and him are a bit ... Closer..."

"He don't hate ya anymore? Or somethin' more?" Rosie said, placing her hands under her chin.

"He fell in love with me~"

Rosie's eyes went wide, "He fell in love... With you?! Holy shit, I thought he hated ya! Wait, I thought you were aroace?"

"A what now?" Alastor looked at Rosie completely confused.

"Oh, nevermind! Do you love him back?" Rosie asked, genuinely interested in this subject.

"Oh, heavens no!" Alastor said, waving a hand in dismay.

Rosie looked a little confused, "So, you both ain't a thing? Why bring it up?"

Alastor's smile seemed to sharpen, "Oh, dear Rosie! We are a 'thing'. I am simply using him!"

Rosie's eyebrows furrowed, "Eh? I mean, I get it brings you more power, but that's a little ... Low." She said, her tone sounding genuinely concerned, yet not that much.

"I mean, to own The King of Hell's soul! That's a feat no one yet has accomplished, I would be just as powerful then, just as big of an influence. People would fear me!" He said, the static in his voice intensifying.

"Oh, jeez, would ya still need me then?" Rosie said, half jokingly half serious.

"Of course! You're my dear friend, I would always need you! Don't tell anyone, though! I just exposed a vulnerable part of myself to you, if people here I actually have feelings... It'd be the end of me, and possibly the end of you!" He said the last part jokingly, but serious.

Rosie clenched her hands together, "Awh! Alastor! You're such a sweety!"

Alastor waved his hand in dismay and rolled his eyes slightly, "Yes, yes, I suppose. Now! I need to take my leave! If I don't get back soon, Lucifer will have a panic attack, and I do not feel like dealing with that. Good day, Rosie!" He said, standing up, about to walk off.

"Good bye, Alastor! Til' the next time we meet!" She said cheerfully.


"So, Dad, what's this about? Why are you so anxious?" Charlie said, genuinely confused.

"....I just... I feel like he might leave me, like Lilith did..."

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