... What's This Feeling?

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(The mini comic is one I made.)

                                                                                    FEB. 15, 7:05PM

Alastor walked up as Lucifer's new challenger. Lucifer was surprised, hadn't he seen Alastor earlier, in the candy shop? Why did they keep running into each other? Was it... Intentional?

Before Lucifer could continue his training thought, he was interrupted, "Well, are we going to start the game? Or perhaps you're already chickening out, dear king~?" Alastor teased in his usual manner.

Lucifer instantly snapped back into reality, focusing on the game and the stakes. Speaking of which, what were the stakes? "Hey, Al? What are we playing for? Money? Power? Favors?" Lucifer asked.

It was weird to admit this, but Lucifer felt himself warming up to Alastor, even as much as he hated him. He didn't know... But, it just... Felt thrilling at times, nothing he had felt in a long time.

Alastor looked up at him, his signature smile still there, "Anything you want! State what you want if you win, then... I'll tell you what I want, you can decide if it's fair or not." Alastor's charm was beginning to take hold of Lucifer.

Lucifer thought for a moment. What could The Radio Demon give to The King of Hell? He thought and thought, but there was nothing. Maybe... Maybe I could make him do something humiliating! A 'favor'!

Alastor seemed to notice Lucifer's face light up, "Well? Have you decided, dear?" Alastor stood up straight, fixing his posture accordingly.

Lucifer's face contorted into a mischievous smirk, "Yeeeaahhh, I got somethin' in mind! Just... A little favor!" He said, practically jumping up with excitement at the thought of his rival doing something humiliating.

Alastor smile seemed to grow wider, and one of his eyebrows went up some, "Have you been drinking? You seem... More childish."

Lucifer waved his hand in dismay, "Calm down! I've only had a few drinks! Anyway, what do you want if you win? Huh? I probably already have a guess; My soul? Not gonna happen!" He retorted quickly.

Alastor leaned down, looked him dead in the eyes, and poked his chest, "Don't think you know me so well. In fact, I was just going to ask you to say one little thing." Alastor said, leaning back up to prepare for the game of cards.

Lucifer looked a bit surprised. He... Didn't want anything big? "Well, uh... Okay...?" He said nervously, still not understanding what exactly was happening.

Alastor smiled, "Let's begin." He began laying the cards out accordingly for the game.


As the game continued, they had decided to do several different rounds, and if you lost any, you'd have to take a shot.

Well, at first Lucifer was winning, but soon, Alastor began catching up. Lucifer was drinking more and more as Alastor began easily climbing back up.

As Lucifer saw Alastor was only a few away from being in par with him, he began to panic. Shit shit shit shit!

Alastor seemed to notice the terror in his eyes, "What's wrong? Afraid of losing?" Alastor said in a rather cocky tone of voice.

Just as Alastor was about to be on par with Lucifer, a voice interrupted them. "What the hell?" Husk.

"What're you doin' here, boss?" He said, looking down at the game, "Oh! *Chuckles* Y-You tryin' to take the king's soul?!" He laughed while saying that sentence.

"Husk! My dear friend! Well, you see, me and Lucifer here were just having a playful game of cards! Nothing more!" Alastor said in his, usual, charming and charismatic tone.

"Like hell I'd believe that. You never come here, so what's the damn deal?" Husk said quickly, placing his hands on the table they were playing at.

Alastor's eyes went slightly wide, probably because Husk just exposed him. He glanced over at Lucifer, who was a little drunk.

Lucifer seemed confused, but the realization seemed to settle in, his eyes going wide. "...Have you... Been following me all day?!" He seemed a little freaked out.

Alastor glared at Husk before returning to his charismatic self, "Now, Now! We just happened to run into each other today!" He waved his hand in dismay.

Husk didn't want Alastor taking another person's soul, so he pushed, "You never leave the hotel unless it's to go to Cannibal Town," Husk looked at Lucifer, "This damn sociopathic psychopathic red deer has been followin' you all damn day!"

That seemed to be the breaking point for Alastor, he was about to cause their (Alastor and Husk) deal to activate, allowing the green, glowing chain to take hold. But, right before he could, he looked at Lucifer, who looked... Surprisingly calm.


He's been... What? Instead of feeling disgusted or horrified, he felt... Weird. Almost like he wanted that. He still felt a little disgusted, but not as much as he should have been.

Why... Why has he been sucking up to me lately? Maybe he's always like this and I just am only now noticing?

Suddenly, Lucifer remembered yesterday, when Alastor and him were drinking together and talking. He remembered what Alastor had said, how he needed someone.

Then, he remembered the offer Alastor had made, to help him. Why... Why is he being so nice? And, why do I like it?

Lucifer could feel his body getting hotter, Probably just the alcohol I drank earlier.

But deep down, he knew, it was something different, something ... Familiar yet different.

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