I'm Glad You Finally Understand

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Love you guys♥️♥️♥️


That same day, Alastor spent it with Lucifer comforting him and making sure he felt loved.

That's when he did it.


It had been a few days since Alastor and Lucifer had that talk, and, quite frankly, Lucifer had been feeling quite well since that talk. But, something bothered him.

Lucifer was still in live with Lilith, no matter how hard he tried to push the feelings away. Well, they had been together for eons, Lucifer's mind tried to reason.

Today, Lucifer felt... Especially guilty. Today was Lucifer's and Lilith's anniversary. So, he was drinking his sorrows away.

Alastor saw this, and came to him late in the afternoon. He tapped on his shoulder, "Lucifer, Dear? Mind telling me what's bothering you so bad you feel the need to drink instead of getting me to assist?"

Lucifer jumped when Alastor tapped his shoulder. "Oh! Uh, Alastor! I, uh... It's nothing really!" He tried to convince Alastor, but his voice was a bit weak.

Alastor leaned in closer, his face mere inches from Lucifer's. He spoke, "Dear... You really shouldn't lie to your partner." He then leaned up and exclaimed, "You think I wouldn't know that my very own..." Alastor hesitated, "... Boyfriend..." He felt disgusted saying the word, but continued, nevertheless. "Was acting different? What kind of lover do you take me for?"

Lucifer felt his heart drop to his stomach. Of course! How could he be so stupid to think that?! Did he really think his partner was that blind?! Lucifer's stomach twisted with guilt.

"I-i'm sorry... I-i just don't want to burden you..." Lucifer said softly, so quietly he hardly heard himself. He swished his red wine around in his cup.

Alastor sat down beside him, "Now, now, dear. Your burdens are our burdens! You act as though you've never been in a relationship before!" Alastor said, crossing his legs and taking off his coat. It was summer in hell, meaning it was about 10x hotter than it would normally be.

Just then, Husk chimed up. "I don't wanna hear this fuckin' sappy shit." He grumbled, walking out away from Lucifer and Alastor.

Lucifer sighed, then Alastor piped up, "Perhaps we should take this private talk to mine or your room?" Lucifer nodded and they began walking to Lucifer's room, since it was closer.

Well, turns out, Lucifer had drank a WHOLE lot more than he thought. He almost fell up the stairs. Alastor caught him, of course. Lucifer knew he'd remember this talk, but the alcohol still affected his system.

Once they made it to Lucifer's duck filled room, Alastor closed the door and prepared a place for them to sit. Snapping his fingers, two chairs and a table filled with snacks appeared. "Please, sit down, dear. We can talk about this."

So, Lucifer sat down. He looked at Alastor nervously. He wanted to dump all his feelings and emotions on Alastor, but when he opened his mouth, nothing came out.

Alastor stuck his hand up, palm facing Lucifer, "Take your time, dear." He said, his normally teethy smile becoming that of a closes one.

Just then, a weight felt like it was lifted and Lucifer was able to speak again. "...Well... Uh..." He hesitated. "...It's... Mine and Lilith's anniversary..." Lucifer started, and right off the bat, Lucifer could tell Alastor was not happy about this subject.

"Go on, dear..." Alastor insisted, his hand going to rest on Lucifer's knee.

Lucifer's heart then began to beat faster. He looked down at Alastor's hand, then up to Alastor's face, than back down to his hand. He knew Alastor hated being even remotely close to anyone, let alone being touched by them (well, he was touching him, but you get the point!).

Lucifer's face heated up, Alastor took bite in his sudden pace change and took his hand back, "I apologize! Too soon, I see?"

Lucifer instantly shook his head, putting his hands up in defeat, "No! No! I-it's perfectly fine! I swear! I was just... Caught off guard!" Lucifer said quickly, "I wouldn't mind if you touched me all the time!" Lucifer then realized what he said and stuck his face in his hands, "wai-"

But before Lucifer could finish, Alastor was already saying something, "Is that so?"

Lucifer stood up, his face as red as a tomato. "No! No! I mean, yes-? No! Maybe? God!!!! That did not come out right!!!" He said, and he quickly sat back down, his face in his hands once more.

Alastor crossed his legs while chuckling, "Well, let's get back on topic, shall we?"

Lucifer nodded vigorously, "Yes, Please!" He sighed, calming himself down some. "Okay... Well, what I was saying... Today if mine and Lilith's anniversary... And... I don't know... I just, miss her, I guess..."

Alastor looked, once again, slightly annoyed by this. "Are you suggesting you're still in live with her?" Alastor asked very quickly.

Lucifer's eyes went wide a little, "...I mean, yeah, I guess I am..." Suddenly, Lucifer heard a loud smack sound and his head flew to the side, his cheek stinging.

Alastor was standing up now, more in a defensive pose (sorta). He looked... He didn't looked annoyed anymore... He looked more sad.

"Lucifer." Alastor stated firmly, his head shaking as crossed his arms and pinched the bridge of his nose. "We have talked about this already. I'm the one who loves you now. You need to get over her. If you don't... I don't know if this is going to be right for us." Alastor 'explained' as he began to walk to the door.

Lucifer instantly whipped his head around, going to get Alastor. He felt so guilty, he didn't mean to make Alastor upset, he really didn't!

"A-Alastor! Wait! I-i'm sorry! P-please don't go!" He begged, holding onto a piece of Alastor's shirt. "Y-you're right! I need to let go of her!" Lucifer practically yelled.

Alastor stopped for a moment, he turned around slowly. He took Lucifer's hand off his shirt. He cupped both of Lucifer's hands, leaned down a little and said, "I'm glad you finally understand." His voice had a different tone to it. Different than he had ever heard it.

Lucifer suddenly got a boost in confidence. So, he leaned forward quickly, and gave Alastor a quick peck on the lips. Not only was Alastor surprised, but so was Lucifer.

"Well, I suppose I should be going now. I have an overlord meeting to attend to!" Alastor said, back in his normal tone. But, Lucifer could have sworn he heard Alastor almost stutter when saying overlord.

"Y-yeah, uh, um... See you later..?" He said nervously, all of the earlier confidence leaving his body.

"Indeed." And with that, Alastor headed out the door.

Lucifer felt like he was on top of the world once he realized he had kissed Alastor. He was so happy he was jumping up and down. "Oh, my! Oh, my!" He exclaimed, jumping up and down after running to his bed. He then flopped down onto the bed, grabbed a pillow, stuck his 100°F face into a pillow, and kicked his legs like a 13 year old girl.


When Alastor left Lucifer's room, he morphed into his shadow form and went into his bedroom. He then went straight to the bathroom, practically running. But, before he could make it to the toilet bowl, he threw up.

"Fucking hell... Damnit... Damnit! DAMNIT." He mumbled. He then almost threw up in the floor again, but made it to the toilet bowl and threw up.

"...that was fucking disgusting... What if he wants to do that again?!" He suddenly thought. The thought alone made him throw up again. He had already been pushing his comfort zone since the minute he decided to do this, now he had to deal with THAT?!

After a few more minutes, he began washing his mouth, practically peeling the skin off his mouth as he washed his lips and hand. Before he knew it, he had two open wounds and soap in them, one on his mouth, the other on his hand. It's heal throughout the night, so Alastor wasn't much worried about that.


1390 words.

How'd you guys like the look into what Alastor does when he actually does touch Lucifer?

Love you guys♥️♥️

Promise to try and update more!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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