The Date (1/3)

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It was late night now in hell, and Lucifer was getting ready for his date. He was extremely excited, though, he felt it was moving a little fast.

He was buttoning up his coat on his new suit. He was looking at himself in the mirror, dancing around some. "Hacha! I look good as hell!" He said, sticking his fingers out like a gun, making a clicking noise with his tongue, and winking.

(He was wearing a coat like this: )

He heard a knock on the door, so, as any normal person would, he went over and opened the door

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He heard a knock on the door, so, as any normal person would, he went over and opened the door. It was Alastor.

Lucifer instantly felt nervous, "O-Oh, hey, uh, Al...! How- how're you???" He said nervously. He looked at Alastor's attire, his face heating up.

Alastor tilted his head, "Hello. I am quite dandy, how are you, my dear?" He said simply. But, something was off, his voice was... Deeper, more seductive?

(Alastor was wearing this: ) (ignore the cane.)

Lucifer smiled dumbly at Alastor calling him dear

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Lucifer smiled dumbly at Alastor calling him dear. He continued to stare at Alastor's attire, he was sure that his face was bright red by this point. "Oh, I-i'm the normal ... Feeling..." Nailed it.

Alastor chuckled, "Shall we go now?" He held his hand out for Lucifer to get.

Lucifer's goofy smile was plastered all over his face as he took Alastor's hand. "W-well, uh, where are we going, Al...?" He asked nervously. He hadn't did this in... Good God, how long had it been?

As they walked down the staircase, hand in hand, Charlie looked at them completely confused.

Charlie walked to the bottom of the stairs where Alastor and Lucifer was coming down to. "...Um... W-what is happening?????" She said, her voice full of confusion.

Angel Dust walked up, and before Lucifer or Alastor could respond, he said, "Holy, shit. Are you goin' on a date? Fuckin' hell, Husk, am I high?" He said, turning to look at the bar where Husk was standing in shock just as everyone else on the room.

"I'm too sober for this shit..." Husk grumbled, turning around and drinking some booze.

Niffty was staring in shock too, looking up at Alastor she pointed her finger and said, "Yooouuu'rrreee gggaaaay?!" Her high pitched voice hurting Charlie's ears.

"Charlie, dear, where is Vaggie?" Alastor asked, looking down at Charlie and Niffty, completely ignoring Angel's and Niffty's questions.

Charlie just looked in shock, not yet processing what was happening. "...uh... She's in the kitchen getting me and her some Apple jui-"

"What the fuck is happening?" Vaggie said, walking into the room and instantly stopping. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her eyes wider than usual.

"Dad..? What is happening? I know you and Mom are split up and Mom's been missing for a little while, but ALASTOR?!" She said in an exaggerated voice when she said Alastor's name.

Lucifer looked embarrassed, he was covering his face with his hat, and he took his hand from Alastor's.

Alastor, on the other hand, looked like he was enjoying the entire show. "Well, we should get going now. We don't want our reservation to expire, now do we, Lucifer? Sorry, Charlie dear!" Alastor said, taking Lucifer's hand and walking towards the door.

Once they walked out, everyone was still in shock. "So, uh, you think they gonna fu-"

"Not a word, Angel. I need to process this." Charlie said, holding her head and walking towards the stairs.

As soon as they walked out of the hotel's door, Lucifer turned to Alastor, slightly taking his hat off his face, just enough to where his eyes could be seen. ", uh... We have a reservation somewhere?"

Alastor shook his head, "No, we just needed an excuse to get out of there. But don't you worry your cute little head about that, we're going to have fun today." Alastor said, taking his pocket watch out and looking at the time.

Lucifer was completely confused as to what they were going to do. When he went on dates with Lilith, they normally went out to eat.

Alastor took Lucifer's hand again, took his hat from him, and began walking. Not saying a word more.

Lucifer instantly caught up with him, "Hey! Give me my hat!" He said, reaching across Alastor's chest, with his free hand.

Alastor, likewise, with his hand that was holding the hat, reached up, too high to where Lucifer couldn't get it. "Ah, but I don't think I will!" He chuckled.

"You beyotch!" Lucifer said, and stopped walking. Refusing to move anymore until Alastor gave him his hat.

Alastor's hand got pulled when Lucifer stopped, they weren't even off the property of the hotel yet and Lucifer was acting like this. "Come on, dear, we must go." Alastor said softly, gently tugging on Lucifer's hand.

But, Lucifer refused to move. God, he acted like a child. "No! I'm not moving an inch til you give me my hat!" He said, stomping his foot like a child. He was closing his eyes shut, head looking to the side.

"If you say so," Alastor said calmly.

Lucifer was about to open his eyes, "What do you mean, if you sa-" before he could finish, he was picked up with ease, and thrown over Alastor's shoulder. He blinked a few times as his arms and legs dangled.

"We're going, now." Alastor said in a more demanding voice.

Lucifer's face started to heat up again, though, he would never admit it (yeah, sure), he kind of liked when Alastor took control.

He's so scrawny, I didn't expect him to be able to pick me up... I didn't know he was so strong...

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