It's a Date Then?

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Lucifer looked down at the pancake, his eyes wide. He could instantly feel his heart beat quicken.

His face began to heat up and his palms became sweaty. Looking down at the perfectly shaped heart shaped pancake, his mind began to wonder about what this meant.

...d-does he like me...? Was this intentional? Was he really the one who cooked this pancake? He hates me, so why would he...?

He couldn't stop thinking about what this meant. But, he tried to push the thoughts down to finish eating the pancakes.

He finished the pancakes with a smile, only thinking about 1) how good they tasted, and 2) What did Alastor mean?



He began getting ready. Doing his hair, putting on clean clothes, the normal things a person would do in the mornings.

He happily exited his room, practically skipping with happiness. As he walked down the hallway and stairs, he thought, I can't believe it! Does Alastor really like me?
These thought just continued to swirl around his head.

He walked down the stairs and immediately noticed Alastor sitting in his chair, his usual spot.

He tried to remain calm and confident, but he began getting nervous, feeling the butterflies begin to form in his stomach.

To be completely honest, he had always slightly felt this way about Al, but didn't think anything if it, and, they were less prominent.

He tried to casually walk up to Al, who was listening to jazz music and reading an old looking newspaper, as always when he sat in that chair.

"Hey, Al-!" He attempted to twirl his cane and land on it, leaning on it, but fell over. Shit! He got up awkwardly and dusted himself off.

Alastor looked up from his newspaper, raising an eyebrow. "Why, hello. Are you alright? You're... Acting different." He said, his voice sounding calm and collected, as usual.

Lucifer stood straight up, he could feel his face heating up. "Oh, yes! I-I'm fine! Never been better! What are we talking about?" He said quickly, it all coming out as a jumble of words.

Alastor went into his shadow form, then reappeared behind Lucifer. He hated when he did that.

"Did you enjoy my pancakes?" Alastor asked simply. He placed his hands behind his back.

Lucifer felt his face get even hotter while thinking about the heart shaped pancake. He could feel his body tense up, and his palms get sweaty even more.

"Oh, N-No! They wer-"

"So, you didn't like them?" Alastor interrupted. He was got slightly annoyed, especially since he was trying to get on Lucifer's good side.

"No! They were A-amazing!" Lucifer quickly restated his intentions.

"What about the last one?" He asked, smirking wider than he normally did.

Lucifer's eyes widened, it was intentional. Lucifer looked to the side nervously. "...Uh... T-that was... On purpose...?" He asked sheepishly, fiddling with his fingers.

Alastor stuck his hands out to the side and tilted his head as if he were confused, "Oh, what ever do you mean? You need to be more specific." He was trying to get Lucifer to say it.

"O-Oh, uh.. um.. w-well..." His face felt even hotter, it was definately noticable now...

"Oh, my! What's wrong, my king? You look a little red." Alastor teased, knowing full well what he was doing.

Lucifer tensed up more, feeling even more nervous. He felt light headed, his face feeling hotter and hotter by the second. "...i-it..." He stuttered. He wasn't used to being teased, especially not by someone he had a crush on.

"It, what, dear? It, what?" He teased further, leaning down slightly.

Lucifer leaned back instinctively. " was shaped like a heart..." He mumbled under his breathe, still extremely nervous.

Alastor's smile widened, "You need to speak up, I can't hear you when you mumble.

He stuck his hands on his sides, looked up, closed his eyes tightly, and said, a lot louder than intended, "It was shaped like a heart!" He said it with his voice trembling. He felt his body tremble and become increasingly anxious.

His eyes were still closed, but he felt someone right beside his head, near his ear. "...good boy..." He heard Alastor say. His eyes shot open and Alastor was already sitting back straight up.

"Now! Tell me what you thought!" Alastor said enthusiastically, clasping his hands together with a loud clap.

Lucifer's eyes were wide, his mouth not open, but his eyes wide open. His face had got more red than it ever had. But, he looked up at Alastor confused, his eyes still wide.

"Ah, you don't understand. I mean, what do you think of my 'little message'?" Alastor specified himself, saying it with pure confidence.

Lucifer's mouth turned into a slight smile. He couldn't believe it, but, he felt like he want ready for this just yet.

"Would you like to participate in the activities of dating with me?" Alastor said with, once again, pure, absolute confidence. His smile was teethy once again.

Lucifer thought for a moment, he wanted to wait, yet he didn't feel *that* comfortable with it just yet, maybe a few more days? "..uh... I don't know, Al... What if-"

"You don't want to come with me?" Alastor said somberly, yet still smiling, as always. "After all I've done for you?" Alastor turned around, about to walk away, "Well, I suppose I should get going now..! Good day, Lucifer."

Suddenly, Lucifer felt a pang of guilt for denying him. As he was walking away, Lucifer held a hand out, "W-wait! A-actually, Al... I-i'll go with you...! W-where do you want to go? We can go anywhere you want!"

Alastor turned to face Lucifer again, smiling, what Lucifer thought to be, happily. "Amazing! So, it's a date then?"

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