The Date (3/3)

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(HOLY COW!!! ALMOST 500 VIEWS (by the time I'm reading this)?!?! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!)


As Lucifer reached up and touched Alastor's ears, his hands began to feel the softest sensation he has ever felt in his entire life, even if it was just a slight touch. And that's saying something, because the softest thing he knows of in all of creation, is angel wings.

His eyes went wide as he felt the soft sensation, "...They're... So fluffy!" He exclaimed, putting more pressure on them and actually petting them.

Alastor's ears twitched at first to the foreign sensation, and his body tensed up. But, soon, he became more relaxed and actually leaned into the touch.

For the next few minutes, Lucifer would just continue to pet and massage Alastor's ears, to his delight.

Alastor hated this. He hated that he was enjoying this, that is. He hated being touched, and he hated being seen as weak, this was both of these things.

After a, agonizing, 15 minutes, Lucifer finally stopped, for now. He looked up at Alastor, who's eyes were closed. "Do you have a tail? I mean, I saw a lump near where a tail would normally be, and you're, well, a deer. It would only make sense." Lucifer said, over complicating things.

Alastor opened his eyes, leaning back to sit up straight again. He looked ... Neutral? Unreadable. He hesitated before responding, his face turning a slight pink, just barely noticable, which looked unusual on his pale features. "...I do." He said quietly.

Lucifers face lit up, he now really wanted to see the tail. See if it was as cute, as soft as the ears. "Can I see?!" He asked way louder than expected, with such enthusiasm as a child on Christmas morning.

Alastor looked slightly surprised at this request, "Oh, I really shouldn't!" He tried to make an excuse.

"Why not?" Lucifer quickly retorted.

"Well, uh, you see... If I take off my jacket, which I will have to do to show you, it will get crinkled and look bad. And, if you cannot tell, I pride myself on looking presentable." He said, stuttering for the first time since Lucifer had met him.

"That's fine. You'd look good without your coat on! I mean, I think you'd look good without any clothes on!" He said, his face quickly turning a deep shade of red, "Well, uh, I-i meant..." You really screwed up his time!

Alastor's smile turned into a smirk, "What was that, your Majesty?" He asked in a teasing voice.

Lucifer quickly put his hands over his face and slumped down into the bench, "...oh, Father... Just bury me alreeeaaddyyy...." He grumbled under his breath, not expecting Alastor to be able to hear.

"That can be arranged." Alastor said simply, crossing his legs and sticking his hands, intertwined, on his knees, looking out into the view of the pride ring from where they were.

"...Shhuuuttt uuuppppp....." Lucifer grumbled, still slouched down into the seat of the bench, hand still over his face.

"Oh, well, if you insist." Alastor said, smiling widely and not saying another word more.

Lucifer instantly sat up right, taking his hands off of his face, "Well, i-i-i didn't mean it like, um, like that!" He said quickly, still feeling a bit embarrassed from earlier.

"L-lets just go back on the hotel!" He said, standing up, his face still red as a tomato. "Oh, and I still want to see your tail. Show me when we get there." He said, sticking his finger up and pointing at Alastor while narrowing his eyes.

Alastor just smiled, not a teethy smile, just a closed lip smile.

Once they made it back to the hotel, everyone was still waiting to see how the date of the two people, whom they knew, until today, hated each other, went.

Angel Dust was the first to walk up to them, "Heya, tootsies! How'd ya little... 'outing' go?" He asked, his eyebrows going up and down in a suggestive manner. "Did you fu-"

Before he finished he was interrupted by Charlie, "That's... Enough, Angel. But, thank you for your... 'unique' comments. But, really, Dad, how did it go?" Charlie asked in a sincere, yet rather somber tone.

"Oh, it Went... How it would... Normally go...?" He said, more as a question than an answer.

"The fucks that supposed to mean?" Husk chimed in, walking over to the newly formed group of people.

Alastor was just standing there, smiling, as always. He seemed to be enjoying this little encounter.

"I'd say it went lovely!" Alastor chimed in for the first time. He seemed slightly annoyed with all these questions, especially from Angel Dust.

"Hey, smiles. Did ya find anything... Kinky... About our beloved king?" Angel said, winking.

"I should so film you both fuckin'. We'd have loads are participants willin' to spend their days in this tacky piece of shit hotel." Angel continued.

"Angel. Please, for the love God, please, and respectfully, shut the FUCK up. Thank you." Charlie said, fed up with Angel talking about her Dad and Alastor.

"Thank you, dear!" Alastor said, stretching his arms and beginning to walk up to the stairs. "Ah! And before I go, please do not invade on mine and Lucifer's personal life, we will tell you if we're comfortable." Alastor said, and with that, he started walking up the stairs.

"Hey, wait!" Lucifer said, quickly walking up to Alastor and walking with them.

"Holy shit, are they goin' to the same bed?" Angel asked, genuinely surprised.

Vaggie shook her head, for the first time looking up from her book since Lucifer and Alastor got back, "No. C'mon Angel, by now you should know that Alastor isn't into 'that' kind of stuff."

"Ah, shit, you're right. I just... Can't seem to wrap my head around the idea of Al likin' guys." Angel said, shaking his head and sticking his fingers on, where would be his nose.

"Yeah, it's kind of weird." Vaggie said.

"That doesn't sound like him at all. Somethin's definitely up." Husk said, taking a sip of alcohol.

"Yeah! That doesn't sound like boss at all." Niffty chimed in for the first time.

"Does... Alastor want something out of him?" Vaggie questioned, looking at everyone for their answers.

Charlie, who had her head laying on Vaggie's lap, sat up and said, "Noooo... I don't think Al would go down to that level... Right?"

"Don't think you know that man, Princess. You only know his mask." Husk said in a gruff voice.

"He's probably just usin' him."

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