I'm The Only One You Need...

451 19 12

(TW: Manipulation)

(Oh, yeah, and I'm going to be posting later since I'm on spring break now. Lol.)


Lucifer has been getting up one morning, a few days later, and as he looked in the mirror, he could've swore he saw Alastor's shadow companion thingy, as he called it, for a split second.

His eyes narrowed as he contemplated whether or not it was just his imagination. ".... The fuck..." He mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

Just as he was turning around to go down stairs, still in his night clothes, he heard a knock. He assumed it was Charlie, since Charlie came and greeted him and offered him breakfast almost every morning.

He walked up to the door, looking slightly up, since Charlie is slightly taller than him. He opened the door up, only to see someone way taller and wearing red, Alastor.

He felt incredibly embarrassed when Alastor had saw him like this, even if he had seen him once like this. "Oh! ..uh... Hey, deeeerrr...." He said, more as a question. He had never called Alastor that before.

Alastor, who was holding his hands behind his back and wearing his usual attire, looked down at Lucifer, smiling. "Why hello, dear! You look lovely this morning!" He complemented Lucifer, still attempting to get very close with Lucifer.

Lucifer's face flushed slightly, he knew he looked like he had woken up after a 1000 year nap. "...thank you, Al. Um.... Y-you look..! Like ... A... Person!" Nailed it.

Alastor just chuckled, "Well, I suppose I am one, so it only makes sense." He ruffled Lucifer's hair, "Now, may I come in? I would like to talk to you about something."

Lucifer looked a little surprised. He looked around his room, making sure to slightly close the door so Alastor couldn't see his mess. "...oh... Uh... Give me moment..." He mumbled closing the door in Alastor's face.

Alastor just stood there, waiting. He heard some noises, followed by some grunting, then silence, and finally, Lucifer opened the door again.

Lucifer looked even more disheveled than before. "Now may I come in?" Alastor asked, peeking in slightly.

"Yeah, yeah!" Lucifer said quickly, sounding out of breath as he waved his hand inwards, stepping back, and opening the door more.

Alastor walked over to Lucifer's bed and sat down onto it.  He gestured for Lucifer to sit down beside him. Lucifer obeyed, rather reluctantly as he is extremely nervous.

Lucifer sat beside, nervously glancing at Alastor, fidgeting with his fingers. "...so, uh... What's this about...?"

"Well, I just wanted to talk to you about ... That." He said, pointing to Lucifer's hand.

Lucifer was slightly confused, that was, until, he looked down at his hand. His ring. "...uh... What about it?" He asked reluctantly, now fidgeting with his ring.

Alastor looked... Neutral. Lucifer couldn't tell, though. "Well, if we are going to be a 'thing', I suppose we need to talk about letting go of past partners." Alastor said calmly.

Lucifer was getting increasingly nervous with each second. His heart began racing more and he had cold sweats. "....uh... I assume you're t-talking about Lilith..."

Alastor nodded, "Indeed. If you want this to work out, you have to let go." Alastor said simply, placing his hands on his lap.

Lucifer put a hand behind his neck, "...i-i don't know..." He mumbled, looking down at his lap.

"Lucifer..." Alastor's voice sounded softer, "Don't you want us to be happy? Don't you want me to be happy? Don't you want to be happy?" He said, placing a hand on Lucifer's shoulder.

Lucifer looked to the side and tensed up some, "...I-i do, but-"

"Then you need to let go. She doesn't love you anymore, she left you. But, I'm here, I love you." He continued, inching closer to Lucifer.

Lucifer looked like he was on the verge of crying as he looked down at his lap. "...i-i... I just can't..." He mumbled sadly.

"Don't you care how I feel? Do you even love me?" Alastor said, placing a hand on his chest, adding emphasis to what he was saying.

Lucifer instantly looked up, "I do! I do love you!" He said quickly.

"And you understand I'm the only one who loves you now?" Alastor said, his tone still sad.

"...yes..." He nodded, closing his eyes to keep from crying.

"Me and Charlie, we're the only ones who love you as family now. Lilith doesn't even care about you anymore, so just...." He said, slowly putting one of his hands to Lucifer's ring and pull it off slightly.

Lucifer allowed Alastor's hand to take off his ring. He felt sad, but, he knew Alastor was right. He hugged Alastor, suddenly, after he took off his ring.

At first it was just a small hug, then Lucifer began to slowly break down in Alastor's arms.

Alastor comforted Lucifer, rubbing his back and back of his head in a comforting way. "Shh... Shh..." He comforted, "... Everything's alright... I'm here..."

"I'm here..." He hugged Lucifer tightly as Lucifer cried more and more. "...See? I'm the only one you need... The only one you want..." He said, still in that quiet, comforting voice.

"I'm the only person you need, Lucifer."

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