Does He Actually Like Him?

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"Dear, are you ready?" Alastor called out to the top of the stairs to Lucifer. They were going back to the spot they were yesterday.

Lucifer came stumbling down the stairs just then. He was in his normal attire, along with Alastor. He fell on the last step, quickly getting up and dusting himself off, hoping no one saw him.

Angel busted out laughing, "*Laughs* Ya- *laughs more* Ya clumsy ass king!" He said, pointing to Lucifer with one hand while the rest is on his ribs and upper torso.

Charlie walked up to her dad, "Do you need anything? Will you both be alright?" Charlie asked worriedly.

Lucifer smiled at Charlie's concern, "I'll be fine," he said chuckling, "Besides, me and Alastor went out yesterday. What's the worst that could happen?"

Charlie smiled, relaxing a bit, "Okay... If you say so."

Lucifer smiled, then called over Alastor and they walked out the door.

Charlie smiled, more of a mischievous smile as she went over the plan in her head.

Just then, Vaggie walked up and placed a hand in Charlie's shoulder, "Well... If you're gonna go, now is the time." She said reluctantly.

Charlie nodded and excitedly headed out the door.


As Charlie, attempted to, follow Lucifer and Alastor stealthily. Though, she kept getting distracted by the bodies on the ground and just freaked out in general.

Alastor looked over at a store and stopped, pointing to something that Charlie couldn't see. Lucifer's eyes lit up when he saw what Alastor was pointing to.

They both went into the store, Lucifer seemingly jumping with excitement.

Charlie quickly went into the alley beside the store and peaked around the corner, waiting for them to come out.

They came out a few minutes later, Lucifer holding a caramel apple.

I guess they really are fine... But, I can't leave yet.

She continues following them. They eventually made it to the spot with the pond. They seemed... Really happy.

Charlie sat in the bushes behind the bench Lucifer and Alastor sat on, spying on them.

Alastor and Lucifer just... Talked, And talked, and talked. She was getting a bit bored, about to go soon.

She was preparing to leave, as she stood up, she heard the conversation they was having and she stopped dead in her tracks.

She turned her head to look at them two, is... Alastor flirting with Dad?! I know they're together but, jeez! Never took Alastor as a flirt. She thought to herself.

Charlie decided to stay and see how it played out.

"You know you have enchanting eyes, Lucifer? There's not many demons with yellow as eye whites. And the way your eyes split like a serpent, it's quite infatuating."

His attempts on wooing Lucifer seemed to be working, as Lucifer looked flustered.


After about an hour and a half, Lucifer and Alastor began getting up to leave. Finally! Charlie exaggerated in her head.

Now, I can get back to the hotel before them and they won't know a thing! She thought, standing up and hiding behind a tree as Alastor and Lucifer left the spot.

As they were walking back, Charlie noticed something she didn't the first time, but it had been there before. Alastor was flirting with other demons too, and Lucifer didn't seem to like it very much.

Alastor was doing it on purpose, Alastor himself knew this, but Charlie? She was suspicious, but not confirming anything.

When Alastor winked at a certain female demon, and her face turned bright red, Lucifer pulled on his arm and stopped walking. "Alastor... Are you doing this on purpose...?" He asked, his tone rather sad.

Alastor played the innocent, "Doing what, dear? You need to be specific." He said, his tone surprisingly convincing.

Lucifer looked to the side, feeling embarrassed and that he was wrong, "...Ah... N-nevermind..." He mumbled as they started to walk down the sidewalk.

Charlie thought this was a little weird, not being able to make out completely what they were saying, because of the noises of hell, and was only able to lip-read most of the time.


Charlie made it back to the hotel before Lucifer and Alastor, and talked to Vaggie about what had happened.

"At first, everything was alright... Then, more around the end, he... He just..." She said somberly, looking down at the ground as they sat at the bar.

"He wha-" Vaggie was cut off.

"Is a sociopathic bitch who don't care about your daddy?" Husk interrupted, handing Charlie her favorite type of juice. (Yes, literally juice.)

"No... He... He really seems like he cares, but it's like... It's like..." Charlie couldn't come up with the words to describe it.

"It's like? It's alright, take your time, hon." Vaggie said, rubbing Charlie's back.

Charlie's eyes went wide as she seemed to realize something, "It's like he cares but he wants to make sure Dad actually cared about him." She said suddenly, her face lighting up as she thinks she figured out what was wrong.

Husk laughed, "Nah, he's just usin' yer daddy. Ain't no way in hell that damn crazy deer actually cares about anybody."

"Well, actually, Husk, I think that-" Charlie was cut off by the sound of Lucifer and Alastor entering the hotel lobby.

Everyone instantly stopped, even Niffty, and looked at Lucifer and Alastor as they entered. They stopped after a moment. "Is something wrong?" Alastor asked after a moment of silence.

"Oh, nothin'. Just still not used to you two bein', well, Y'know, together, or not arguing." Angel said smoothly.

Lucifer narrowed his eyes as he walked up to the stairs, "mmmh hmm..." He said loudly as he walked up the stairs.

Alastor went and sat down at his chair, pulling up jazz music and reading a book.

Charlie looked at him wearily.

Does he actually like him?


I'm so sorry!!! This chapter is so much shorter than the other ones!!!! Forgive me!!!

And, will you tell me what you think about these chapters? I'm slowly loosing ideas, please HELP ME WRITE.

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