The New Plan!

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(HOLY COW!!!! ALMOST 1000 VIEWS?!?! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! Also... I kinda.... Forgot to post before I went to school! Don't be mad! I'm so sorry!!!!)

Charlie looked up at Husk, "No... I don't think he would... He wouldn't... Right...?" She said, trying to remain optimistic.

"I done told ya, Princess, you've only met his mask. I have a good idea about what he wants." Husk said, genuinely trying to convince Charlie, yet remaining his gruff exterior.

Angel leaned onto the back of the couch, sucking a popsicle, "Sorry, toots. But I gotta go with whiskers, I think the strawberry pimp may just be usin' 'im."

Vaggie walked up and placed a hand on Charlie's shoulder, "I have to agree with Angel, hon." She said with a genuine look on her face, "For once." She added grumbly.

"B-but, Vaggie! Alastor... Alastor is the only reason we won the battle against heaven! H-he wouldn't do that!" Charlie tried to argue.

"No, hon, I know you try to see the best in people, but-" Vaggie tried to say.

"I... I just can't believe it!" Charlie said in a more defeated tone of voice.

"Don'tcha think we should tell him then?" Angel asked, taking the popsicle out of his mouth.

"No! My dad hasn't been this happy in... In years, since before mom left, before they split. W-we... We can't just take that from him! And, we don't even know if it's true!" Charlie said in a desperate tone.

"I don't think it's a good idea. I mean, he could hurt your dad for all we know." Husk chimed in once more.

"I-i'll figure something out! Just... Don't tell him... I don't want him to be hurt. Not again." Charlie said, beginning to walk up stairs.

As Charlie and Vaggie laid in bed that night, Charlie could only think about her dad. Would Alastor really do that? She just laid there, thinking.

It seemed Vaggie could tell that Charlie was distressed, because she leaned over to cuddle Charlie. She leaned up some, putting her head on Charlie's shoulder. "What's wrong, hon?" She asked softly.

Charlie seemed to hesitate for a moment before responding, "...It's just... I'm worried for Dad... Is what you all said about Alastor true...?" She asked somberly.

Vaggie began rubbing Charlie's shoulder, "Hon, none of us would lie to you."

"Well, why would Alastor lie to me? If what you're saying is true."

"I don't know, but if you want to try and help your dad, or at least see if they'll be okay, we can come up with something together." Vaggie said reassuringly.

Charlie sat up, prompting Vaggie to sit up. "I actually just thought of something!" Charlie said enthusiastically.

Vaggie leaned onto Charlie, "Well, are you going to tell me?" She said playfully.

"I was thinking... What if I sneakily spied on them when they go on their next date or outing and make sure everything's alright!" She said, looking down at her hands, fidgeting with them.

Vaggie looked concerned, "I know you want to make sure your dad is alright, but isn't that going a bit too far?"

Charlie shook her head, "No! This is perfect!" She said with a large, determined smile plastered on her face.

Vaggie couldn't deny Charlie, all she did was sighed.


In the morning, Charlie was ecstatic, waiting for Lucifer and Alastor.

She had already cooked breakfast for everyone, Husk, Angel, and Vaggie was eating the food. And Niffty, Niffty.... Niffty was just ... standing there, watching.

Eh... Weird... Charlie thought to herself before turning to Everyone else who was eating, "Well, how is it-"

"Is this fuckin' bacon?" Angel interrupted, pointing to a type of meat that looked to be some sort of bacon.

Charlie looked at it for a moment, "Uh, yeah, that's pork bacon, why?"

Angel looked horrified (in a funny, exaggerated way), "Toots! I have a pet pig! I can't eat this slop!" Angel exclaimed, sticking his lower set of arms up in the air.

"Oh! I'm sorry, Ang-"

"The fuck it matter?" Husk interrupted, "People have pet cows and eat beef, and ya pig is a demon, so eat ya damn food and shut the hell up."

"Damn~ Kitty has claws~" Angel said in a playful, 'Seductive' voice.

Husk looked disgusted, "I thought you was done with that shit months ago!"

Angel then busted out laughing, "I am! Ya know I'm just messin' with ya!" Angel said, picking up a piece of bacon, "And your right, ain't no point in wastin' good food."

"Okay, remember, when Al-" Charlie was interrupted again.

"They're coming, so shut the fuck up and make them feel supported." Vaggie said, looking at the top of the stairs.

Coming down the stairs was Alastor, they expected to see Lucifer, but... He wasn't there. Alastor made it all the way down stairs, back in his normal attire.

"Why hello, everyone!" Alastor said in his normal tone, "How are we doing on this lovely day?"

Charlie waved, "Hey, Al! You want some breakfast?"

Alastor shook his head, "Though I appreciate it, I have already eaten. Did you make the food, dear?"

Charlie nodded excitedly, "Yep!"

Angel turned around from the bar where he was eating, "So, Al... Didn't know ya were gay~"

Alastor looked slightly annoyed, "Well, I wasn't. I guess there's always someone that can change you." Alastor said, waving his hand in dismay, "Speaking if which, hello, dear! Good morning!" He said, looking up at the top of the stairs.

At first, there was no one there, and everyone was confused.

"Are ya losing your mind, Boss?" Husk said, raising an eyebrow.

Alastor put up a finger and shook it, "Now, now, he's slow in the mornings."

Just as he said that, there comes a tired Lucifer down the steps. He is in his night clothes and had a bed head. He waves his hand up tiredly, "...Hey..." He said, practically falling down the first step.

Alastor snapped his fingers just as Lucifer fell asleep while walking down the stairs, and a few black tentacles with a green glow grab him and walk him down the stairs.

Alastor walked up to the sleepy Lucifer and helped him stand up straight and walk to the bar where breakfast was waiting for him.

Charlie awed at the sight, her heart swelled with happiness. Her bottom lip, involuntarily, curled up and her eyes began to water with how cute it was.

The sleepy Lucifer looked over at his daughter, mouth open, blinked each eye at different times, and then said, "...Are you crying?" He almost sounded as if he was drunk, but that's how he got when he first woke up. Not a morning person.

Charlie instantly snapped out if it, "Oh, uh, no! I'm just... Uh..."

Vaggie walked over to Charlie, Alastor, and Lucifer, "So, uh, you two got any plans today?" She asked, a little nervously.

Lucifer waved his hand in dismay, "...Just gonna go... To the place we did yesterday..." He said sleepily, rubbing his eyes.

Charlie smiled widely, This is perfect!

Hey, guys! So sorry about yesterday (E.S.T. time for me)! I'm also sorry if this chapter is boring, in slowly running out of ideas, so if you have any suggestions or ideas in what to do next, please tell me!

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