The Date (2/3)

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Alastor continued to walk down the street with Lucifer over his shoulder. No matter how much he kicked or squirmed, Alastor had a grip of iron on him.

People stared at the two, people stopped killing and looked at them. Lucifer began getting very embarrassed, even if he could hardly look up, he could hear and slightly see people stop what they're doing.

"....Al.... Put me down...." Lucifer said in a quiet, yet annoyed voice. He was almost demanding it, yet it was shy and sheepish.

"Are you going to stop acting like a 6 year old child?" Alastor asked, never stopping walking or even looking back.

Lucifer grumbled, "I wasn't ever acting like a child!!! Put me down! This is embarrassing!" He demanded louder, kicking his feet and flailing his arms.

"Like I said, a 6 year old child." He said simply, chuckling softly.

Lucifer continued to flail his hands and feet. Alastor was beginning to get fed up with it.

"Lucifer, quit." He demanded after a few minutes. His tone was harsh and demanding, and filled with annoyance.

Lucifer instantly stopped, feeling bad for annoying Alastor, he just wanted to get off of his shoulder, but saw that he was being irrational.

Alastor sighed, "Thank you, dear." He said, his voice cheerful and enthusiastic, yet it was still laced with annoyance.

It's not like Alastor wanted to do this in the first place. He didn't want to carry Lucifer like he was a baby, but if he had to, then ha had to.

Lucifer attempted to look back, only seeing the back of Alastor's head and fluffy deer ears. "...did I make you mad...?" He asked somberly.

"No, dear. You didn't. I just... Am not used to my body getting beat on, not even touched for that matter." Alastor said, his tone softer, yet still filled with hints of annoyance. "Will you please stop acting like a child so I can sit you down?" He asked politely.

Lucifer nodded, "...Yes... Please put me down..."

Just as Alastor was about to stop to let Lucifer down, a sinner runs out from in an alley, bumping into Alastor, causing him, Lucifer, and Alastor to fall down.

Lucifer fell on top of Alastor, along with the sinner. Lucifer's head fell just on to Alastor's tooshie, causing Alastor to flinch and tense up. He notice that there was a lump right above Alastor's butt under his clothes.

The sinner quickly got up and ran off. Alastor got up, and he looked pissed, from what Lucifer could see as he got off of Alastor. Alastor was getting up and was about to go after the sinner, but Lucifer grabbed Alastor's arm.

"Let him go. We need to make it to... Wherever we're going before it's too late." Lucifer said softly, standing up but keeping a hand on Alastor's arm.

Alastor took a deep breath, and, seemingly, calmed down almost instantly. "You're right, dear. We must get going or we might miss it!" He said cheerfully, taking Lucifer's hand and walking, rather fast.

But, just as fast as Alastor started walking, he stopped. He turned to Lucifer, "Do you trust me?" He asked enthusiastically.

Lucifer looked a little confused but answered, "...uh... Yes..." He said nervously. He looked around for someone, but everyone had left on seeing The Radio Demon and The King Of Hell.

Alastor reached into his pocket and pulled out a blindfold, "May I?"

Lucifer looked more concerned but wanted to show he trusted Alastor completely, so he closed his eyes, swallowing nervously.

He felt Alastor's fingers gently caress his temples before he felt the blindfold being tied gently around his face. He felt extremely nervous.

"Good... I expected you to be more reluctant." Alastor said, gently taking his hand and guiding him down the streets. It felt like an eternity for Lucifer when they were walking.

For Lucifer it felt like they walked and walked and walked, walked for what felt like hours.


They finally made it to where they were going. Alastor stopped Lucifer, leaned down beside his ear and said, "...Take it off..." In almost a whisper voice.

Lucifer put his hands behind his head and began to undo the blindfold. He slowly took it off, his eyes adjusting to seeing the light again. He squinted his eyes, not used to the light.

Once his eyes adjusted to the light, his eyes went wide as he saw the sight before him.

"...Al, It's... Beautiful." Lucifer said in an, almost, whisper. As if he needed to be quiet to not disrupt the beauty.

It was a lush pond, at the edge of a forest near the edge of the pride ring. There was a bench for two near the pond. The night time light in the pride ring casting a reddish-orangish glow over the pond. It was beautiful.

Alastor took Lucifer's hand and brought him to the bench, sitting down then pulling Lucifer down to sit beside him. "It is quite beautiful. I normally come here to enjoy the view every once in awhile."

Lucifer was enjoying the view of the pond. He had never been on a date like this before. Normally his dates with Lilith, on the rare occasions they did, he normally went to lush, expensive places with lots of other high class people, not just... Out in nature. It had been years since he had just... Sat in nature. It was nice.


They talked and talked, seemingly getting closer, which Lucifer liked. Soon, Lucifer and Alastor just sat in, comfortable, silence.

Lucifer found himself looking at Alastor's attire again, taking in every detail. He started looking at Alastor's head, mainly his fluffy ears.

Alastor noticed his staring, "Is there a problem? Or are you simply enjoying my beauty?" He says in a playful tone.

Lucifer rolled his eyes playfully, "I was just... Looking."

"Looking at what?"

"You're ears..." He said slowly.


Lucifer thought for a moment, thinking of why exactly he was staring at his ears. Suddenly, a thought appeared in his head, "I want to pet them."

Alastor's eyes went slightly wide at the request, debating whether or not to let him. I've never let anyone touch them... But, I need to get on his good side...

"Fine. But, do it quickly." He grumbled leaning down.

Lucifer's eyes went wide at the fact that Alastor said yes. He smiled widely and reached up to touch his ears.

They look so fluffy!

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