Writer's block

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So, I know I have not posted in a long time, like, a REALLY long time. Buuttt, in my defense, I've had a HORRIBLE writer's block. So, I am here, asking my gracious readers for ideas :)

But, just in case any of you are wondering (which non of you probably are, but, eh), I have been focused on school work, my piano recital, and I recently won a poster contest for the state (I'm going tomorrow to see if I made it in first place(and yes, I do live in the 'United' States)), so I've been really busy too.

But seriously, I'm BEGGING you!!!! Help me write some more!!! I might get a spree of motivated for about a month or so, like I did when I started writing this, but it's unlikely.

So, anyone who's read the whole thing, you're now here, at the bottom. And, I thank you for reading this far down, or even hearing me out. Once again, I severely apologize,

                                     - Author-San

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