The Talk

425 13 3

TW - Panic Attacks & Manipulation


....I just... feel like he might leave me, like Lilith did..."

Charlie looked at Lucifer with compassion, "Well, why do you feel like that, Dad?" Charlie said gently.

"...i-i don't know... H-he's just... He's acting like Lilith did ... Before." He said, looking down at his lap while fiddling with his fingers.

"...Before..? What?" Charlie asked, leaning in a little, as if her interested piqued at an all time high.

Lucifer hesitanted, " Well, not... Not really before you was born, but... You know you were a fix-it child, right?" He said straight to the point.

Charlie's eyes widened, as she turned her head and placed a hand on her chest. She then fake cried, probably in an attempt to lighten the mood. "Oh, Dad! You're just so mean!" She teased in a fake sad voice.

Lucifer smiled softly, then he played along, "Oh, dear Charlie! I am just the meanest, aren't I?" He said in a playful voice.

"The meanest!"

Him and Charlie laughed genuinely together. Having fun together. But, Charlie needed to figure out what was wrong with him.

"But, really, Dad, why do you feel like that?" She asked, placing a hand on one of his knees.

"...uh... Um, I don't know... It's... I don't know..."

"Has he ever gave you any reason for you to think that?" Charlie said.


"So why do you think that?"

Just as Charlie said that, Lucifer felt his hairs on the back of his neck stand on end, What the hell... He thought.

Charlie stared at her dad for a moment, "Uh, Dad?"

Lucifer snapped out if it, "Uh, yeah! Yeah, definitely!"

Charlie looked at him like, 'What in the hell are you talking about?'

"Uh, um, eh-wha, what was the question again??? Sorry, Charlie!" Lucifer said quickly.

"Why do do think that Al will leave you?"

"...I don't know... I just... Kinda feel like he will..." He said quietly, "I get so anxious he will leave me..." He continued.

"Well, Dad, I hope you know he won't just get up and leave you, Al's not like that." Charlie said.

The hairs on Lucifer's neck stood up again, he looked around this time. His eyes went wide as his breathing became heavy and his heart beat increased, he began getting cold sweats.

"...uh... Charlie?" He asked quietly, his breath more shaky. Charlie could tell that there was panic in his voice.

"...yeah? Is everything alright, Dad..?" She asked hesitantly.

"...Did you see that...?" He asked, his voice in a hushed tone, as if he was trying to whisper so someone, or something, couldn't hear him.

"...Dad... Are you... They said you start hallucinating when you have panic attacks... Do you feel like you can't breathe?" Charlie said, her voice began getting filled with worry.

"N-No! I'm not hallucinating, i-i I'm okay!" Lucifer stood up as he began breathing heavier and his vision began getting a little blurry near the edge.

"Dad, i-i... I'm gonna go get Vaggie! I-i don't know what to do!" Charlie said, backing and then going to get Vaggie.

Lucifer looked around, sitting back on the bed. He wasn't able to control his breathing, almost not able to breathe at all. He began holding his chest, I feel like I'm going to explode!

He began seeing a shadow, was that the thing he saw earlier? The thing that made him feel such anxiety?

His vision began blurring further, his breathing was heavy, he could hardly breath! He could hardly breathe! He closed his eyes as he laid in his bed.

He felt like he was going to pass out. Just as he opened his eyes again, the shadow was gone, and instead was replaced with Alastor.

His eyes went wide and he sat up. Alastor stood there, with his signature smile never wavering. He fell into Alastor's arms, still breathing heavily, hey calming down some.

"Just breathe, Dear." Alastor said, "Here, we'll count to three. Follow my lead."

Lucifer heard Alastor's voice and his eyes tearing up a little. "Ready? 1... 2... 3..." Alastor breathed in, which Lucifer did, too.

"Now out, 3... 2... 1..." He breathed out, and again, Lucifer did so, too. Alastor patted him on the back, "Good, now keep doing it."

Lucifer nodded, breathing in and out like Alastor told him. He began to slowly recover.

Alastor comforted him through the whole thing. "Good, good..." He'd say softly.

A few minutes later, Alastor spoke up, "You have abandonment issues. That is why you feel as if I would leave you." He said, looking down at Lucifer who was know laying in his chest.

Lucifer looked up at Alastor, slightly in disbelief, "Me..? Pff, no!..."  He said, yet it sounded unconvincing. "I-Im the king of Hell! I do not have abandonment issues!"

"Is that why you get severe anxiety when I'm gone?" Alastor asked, leaning up, forcing Lucifer to lean up too.

Lucifer quickly stuck his finger up, "Hey! I-... Um..." He then seemed unsure of his answer.

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