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James's pov
Today is nominations day, I know I'm definitely nominating lauren,she still hasent apologised to hariet for being so rude to her. I see hariet is up, I smile and say " how did you sleep?". She say# " amazingly it's probably the person sleeping next to me, I trust them with a lot and there's nobody else I'd want to sleep next to". Adam and Bridget hear this and I say " okay that is cute, whoever they are they're very lucky to be sleeping next to a beautiful girl like you". She blushes and Lauren says " oh come on you're both as bad as eachother,making me look like the bad person in all this". I say " we haven't needed much help with that Lauren, the fact you still haven't apologised to hariet is ridiculous, you're  always cutting her off when she speaks and accuse her of doing it, if you nominate both of us today, just know you're getting at least two". She tries to attack Harriet ,me and Adam stop her. I'm first into the diary room for my nominations and say " my first nomination is for Lauren, I would be shocked if she isn't the most nominated, the way she's acted since she got her is toataly unacceptable, my second nomination is for Louis , this is hard but he doesn't really help out around the house and we need people to step up, especially as people will, be evicted ".

Hariets pov
I go into the diary room to give my nominations I say my first nomination is for Lauren, " I fell like I've been to nice to her,not lossing it with her after evreything she's done, My secound nomination is ekin su, I think her and Lauren are playing a huge game and that's only going to get you so far". We're all in the living room and big brother says " the three housemates joining Garry are, Lauren,ekin su and louis. James is sitting outside, Lauren and ekin su are confronting him. I go out and say " he dosent to explain anything to either of you and the fact you both think it's his fault ours nominated just proves how shallow you both are now leave him alone". They both barge into either side of me, I sit next to jam3s and he says " are you okay, thanks for sticking up for  me you really didn't need to". I say "I'm fine and of course I had to stick up for you , it's about time I stoped being so scared of them".

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