Chapter-11-Allan's Magical abilities

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      After getting a proper shower he texted to Luna that he wanted to meet her the next day to which she immediately replied yes.

The next day.........................

     Morning Allan woke up and was eating his breakfast when he had seen the message for Luna which she had sent him the previous mid night.  The message read "Sorry Allan I will not be able to meet you the tomorrow because i have to go out of town with my parents for a friend's wedding, So can we meet the day after tomorrow please" to which he replied yes immediately got a reply from Luna. She had sent him a smiley face :) and a good morning.

     After eating breakfast he went up to his room started playing a sad song on the guitar when Serena came to his room and asked"Al, is something wrong i know that look and you are playing sad music on your guitar you know Al you can talk to me about anything you know that don't you".  "Mom I am the one they are looking for and i have to leave in three weeks because the date you picked as my birthday is actually my birth date the original one and when turned 21 the future king has to stay in the palace even if he doesn't ascend the throne also from today i have magic practice classes but i do not want to leave the earth leave you leave Luna i wanted to talk to Luna about this but (sigh) i can not because she is out of town"said Allan. "Well then you still have three weeks so you have to enjoy them to the fullest and please stay positive for me and for Luna"said Serena and further added "By the way i did not tell you this three days ago Luna came here and asked me where you went and i said that you didn't want me telling her and her she was about to leave i asked her to drink coffee with me and she agreed to stay with talked about our interests and I wanted to tell you this so you would not get angry with me if she told you and i did not".  After saying that Serena left and Allan continued to play the guitar.

     After sometime Serena came up to his room while he was still playing and she said " Al, stop, go out and get some fresh air and besides don't you have to resign to your job and no do not say that you want to work more you said you will be starting your magic classes so do not work and this is an order not a request son".  "Okay mom i will go out and i will resign today after i have  lunch and so lets make lunch together and don't try to fool me i know you have not cooked lunch"replied Allan.  "I know Al, nothing gets past you and how did you know you were in your room playing the guitar "questioned Serena.  "I know that you make lunch while listening to songs and you would have asked me to either stop playing or to decrease the volume. Now lets go"replied Allan.  After which they went downstairs and cooked their lunch. For sometime Allan chatted with his Mom and then as he was going out Serena said "Al, take  an umbrella it says  in the news that it may rain  " to which Allan replied "Yes Mom". Allan took the umbrella and left his house.

     After walking to his workplace he went to his boss and asked for a resignation letter and when his boss asked why he replied that he is going to collage as he finally got accepted into the collage of his dreams.  After resigning he left the cafe and walked to the mysterious valley.  Upon reaching the entrance he thought of climbing one of the mountain.  After reaching one of the mountain's top he got a call from William on the moonbile saying that he wanted to meet Allan on one of the mountains of the mysterious valley to which Allan replied that he had already climbed one of the mountains.  

     After sometime William came to earth with another moonlightian and upon asking who the other person was William replied that he was the mentor who can even defeat the general of the moon kingdom and Allan was to learn magic and defeat him. "What! Is prime minister William out of his mind he is saying that this guy can defeat the general how am i suppose to defeat this guy i don't even know any basic magic skills"thought Allan.  suddenly casted a spell and Changed Allan' clothed. "Why did you change my clothes "questioned Allan. "Prince you are learning the basics and you might get hurt, with out any more distractions lets start"replied the mentor.  The prime minister watched Allan practice and thought"Prince Lucas took after his father when it comes to learning a skill he is a fast learner".  After practicing until dusk Allan was able to control wind.

    And the mentor commented said "Prince Lucas you are a fast learner and at this rate you can complete your training in four months but for that to happen you have to work from dawn till dusk for now what you learnt is enough"

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    And the mentor commented said "Prince Lucas you are a fast learner and at this rate you can complete your training in four months but for that to happen you have to work from dawn till dusk for now what you learnt is enough".  As the prime minister and the mentor were leaving Allan questioned "Why did learn to control wind?". "You are a curious one aren't you Prince Lucas if you want fly in the air you have to learn to control wind"replied the mentor. After the prime minister and the mentor left Allan climbed down from the mountain and it suddenly started raining.

     He opened his umbrella and looked up in to the sky and thought "So I am really a prince from a magical kingdom huh? Never thought that this kind of thing would ever happened to me"

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     He opened his umbrella and looked up in to the sky and thought "So I am really a prince from a magical kingdom huh? Never thought that this kind of thing would ever happened to me".  And walked home. When he reached his home he showed his magical abilities to his adoptive mother and said " I am so proud of you Al".  When he was about to sleep he got a message form William saying that he should meet him and the mentor every day at the same time to which he replied yes and went to bed.   











To Be Continued....................................................... :)

Thank you all for reading and these pictures are not mine they are examples which i borrowed from google..................................................... :)

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