Chapter-7-Moon's Blood

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     By some miraculous event Allan's mother did not wake up and he went to his bedroom and texted Luna "Good night, Luna". 

     "Your majesty, What are you saying?"asked the Prime Minister.  "Yes, Prime Minister, Its true a moon lightian has touched the Lunar river water because as we know that the Lunar river has direct relation with the fountain of spring in my palace garden and some maids said that the water glowed when it was sunset on the earth and for a whole of one minute and thirty seconds. So I'm positive it is a moon lightian that has the touched the water of Lunar river" replied and added " Further more i want you to inspect who touched the water of the Lunar river and where and why? Now and report to me in 2 hours" replied the King.

     "But your majesty the earth is a very vast planet even bigger then our planet please give me at least a week, please I beg you your highness"pleaded the Prime Minister. "Fine I will give you find that person"replied the king. "But your majesty"before the Prime Minister could complete his sentence he was cut off "You pleaded that you need a longer amount of time and i give you a day and i know what you are going to say if you start now you can finish the job quickly but you are wasting time. As you know i hate people who waste time so go NOW" shouted the king mercilessly. The Prime Minister left while thinking "His majesty never gets angry with anyone but why did he get angry so quickly? Does the glow of the fountain of spring has something to do with Lucas?".

 Back to Earth(Dear reader)...................

     After that week had passed Luna wanted to see her boyfriend and wanted to go to his home so she went to the cafe he worked at and asked his co-worker where he was and they replied that he doesn't come to work on the weekends.  She convinced them to give her his home address and when she went there she knocked on the door and Serena answered the door. "Who are you my dear?"asked Serena. "Is this Allan's house i mean Allan Roberts?"asked Luna without replying to Serena. "Yes, Why?"replied and asked Serena. "I........I am his.....I am his girlfriend" replied Luna and added "And you are?".

     "I am his Mother"replied Serena. "Oh sorry Aunty for bothering but Is Allan home?" asked Luna. "Don't be and please call me Ms Roberts or Serena don't call me Aunty and So you are Luna Huh...Oh  come sorry where are my manners"replied Serena. Luna went in sat and said "Actually Ms Roberts, I want to invite Allan to go with me to the Carnival in the next town and please don't think that I am taking your son out always Its just that He is my first ever boyfriend and So i want to have my firsts with him"replied Luna blushing. "Say no more Luna, You are his first ever friend and girlfriend and please don't hurt him and he is in his room, you can go upstairs"replied Serena. "Thank you Ms Roberts" said Luna. As she was going up stairs  Serena said "Luna, You are always welcome here".

     When Luna saw her boyfriend playing guitar she was surprised and she heard a pleasant music when she was talking to Ms Roberts earlier but she didn't realize that it was coming from upstairs. Not wanting to disturb her boyfriend she stood there silently listening to his music.

 Not wanting to disturb her boyfriend she stood there silently listening to his music

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