Chapter-14-A Day in Moon Kingdom with Luna

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Allan took Luna back to her house and then went to his and slept.

The Next morning..........

     Allan woke up and went down all dressed and ready to go seeing this Serena who was drinking coffee asked " Good Morning Son Someone is ready. (chuckles) Where are you going Al". "Oh Good morning to you too mom and yeah i am going to the Moon kingdom i was asked to attend an important meeting and i asked Prime minister William to let Luna go with me and he agreed  so i have to go and pick up Luna and then go the mysterious valley where we would meet with prime minister William"replied Allan and left the house. "But a non-moonlightian can not stay on the moon kingdom for more than 24 hours i hope he has through with it "thought Rena.

     After reaching Luna's place Allan knocked the door and Luna opened it and said "Hey Allan do we eat breakfast now or in the moon kingdom"asked Luna. "Why are you saying it out loud and yes we will eat it there "replied and asked Allan.  "Relax my parents went to my grandma's yesterday night after you dropped me off my parents woke me up and said that grandma's health was getting worse so they went" and added "Well then lets go"replied as she was locking the door. They went to the Mysterious Valley and met with Prime minister William. 

     "Prince Lucas, My Lady" said William bowing towards them and asked then to climb down the mountain.  "But prime minister William we have to chant the chant to be able to go to the moon kingdom then why are you asking us to climb down"asked Allan.  "Your highness you are certainly correct. In the night time the moon rays fall on the earth so we can be carried by them easily but it is day time and there are tourists here and if the moon rays fall now try explaining that"replied Prime minister William. "Fair enough"said Allan. After this conversation Allan took Luna in his arms and flew down followed by William. They went to a spot covered with large trees. Then William said "My Lady please hold on to his highness since you are not a moonlightian you will not be able to teleport even if you chant the chant". "Sure and please call me Luna do not call my My lady"replied Luna. "Yes but you are in a relation ship with his highness so i have to respect you"replied William. "Sure what ever"said Luna after which she held on to Allan. 

     William asked "Highness do you remember the chant correctly".  "Yes yes i do"replied Allan hesitantly. "I moon lightian shall go back to my kingdom near the fountain of spring in the powerful light of the Moon" chanted William and Allan at the same time. At that moment bright moon beam appeared and teleported them at the fountain of spring.

     "Wow Allan you sure have a beautiful future castle "said Luna looking amazed. "Tell me about it and just wait until you see the inside it is more magnificent"replied Allan. As Luna looked at Allan's face his hair color changed to silver and his eye color tonsilver and she asked him "Why did your hair and eye colors change suddenly" to which Allan replied "When i am in the moon kingdom it changes as what prime minister William told me they are my natural hair and eye colors".  They walked inside and then prime minister William escorted them to their bedrooms and left.  After eating breakfast Allan asked the guard who accompanied him when he was spending a week in the kingdom to stay with Luna while she explored the castle . 

     Allan went to Luna's bedroom and said "Luna i am going to the meeting i don't know when i will be able to come back but it is definitely before lunch time until then you will be escorted by this guard". Allan then called the guard and said " Liam, this is Luna please take care". After saying that Allan was escorted by William to the meeting room.

     After Allan left Luna started exploring the castle and after sometime of wandering with the guard Liam Luna was bored and asked Liam "Your name is Liam right is there any part of the castle that looks cooler than the hall ways we explored" to which Liam replied "My Lady yes there is one it is directly in front of the balcony near the meeting room". "Please take me there" requested Luna and so Liam escorted her there. Right at that moment Allan came out of the meeting room and was holding a book but when she saw him his hair Black and his eyes red she was puzzled and shook her head and his eye and hair color came back to normal. After seeing him in a princely dress she thought "Wow he is even more handsome".

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