Chapter-19-I Hate You

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"Now what it is already late and the last bus must have left by now" exclaimed Luna after they went out of the train station.

     "How are we supposed to go home now" asked Allan. "'You can fly right you can go" replied Luna. "No way i can not just leave a girl like that in the middle of  the night and besides my body is weak currently because of the lack of vitamins so i can not fly" said Allan. "Then why did your mother let you go out of town any way" asked Luna. "Well she can not stop because once i make up my mind no one can change it just like my so called FUTURE WIFE" replied and added "Wait you said you can fly and you can use magic so why don't you fly home" asked Allan. "That is because i seal that ability and it stays like that for a week and again i have to seal it and i sealed it yesterday" replied Luna.

     "(sigh)We are stuck in here" exclaimed Luna. "i have money with me and i can book us two motel rooms" said Allan and dragged Luna with him. And entered a motel near by. "Sir do you have rooms to stay over night" asked Allan.  "Yes"  replied The receptionist behind the desk. "Then i want to take two rooms" asked Allan. "Sorry sir but only one room is left"replied the receptionist. "Okay then we will take it " replied Allan. "What Allan are you crazy" asked Luna.

     Allan took the key and dragged Luna to the room and said "It is this or you can go and freeze in the cold out side" said Allan and entered the room. Luna entered the room reluctantly and exclaimed "There is only one bed how are we suppose to sleep on it we are not even a couple". "I will take the floor you can sleep on the bed and besides i can not sleep properly in a new place" replied Allan. "What you paid for the room i can not let you take the floor"said Luna. "Luna i am not even staying in the room i can pull an all nighter easily so go to sleep now"replied Allan and left the room. He went to the roof top and stood there for a long time. He fell asleep and was woken up by the sun light.

     He went to the room and saw that Luna was still asleep so he sat on a chair  and was watching some thing on his phone when Luna woke up and asked "Allan have you been sitting here all night". "No i fell asleep on roof top and when i came back you were still asleep so i did not wake you up" replied Allan. After which they gave the key back to the receptionist and left to the train station. When they reached there they saw that the train that was supposed take them back was going to be late as they were still fixing the track. "No way i have to go back home today i have to pack, my parents and i are leaving Lunar falls tomorrow and i haven't packed yet"exclaimed Luna. "Wait you are leaving Lunar falls tomorrow (sigh) i can not stop you right lets take the bus even if it is longer we can reach Lunar falls faster by the time the train is here we will be in Lunar falls" replied Allan. They went to the bus stop and took the bus back to Lunar falls.

     They parted there ways. Allan went to his home and kept his things and left to Mysterious valley without explaining any thing to his mom. Luna went back to her home and started packing for their move. Allan bought some snacks and climbed to half off the mountain that they usually climb and just sat there and cried. When the night fell he stood up but his eyes welled up again so he covered his eyes and leaned back on the tree.

     After gathering himself together Allan went back home and he woke up extra early then next morning and went down dressed when he saw Prime minister William in the living room and asked him "Prime minister William what are you doing here"

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     After gathering himself together Allan went back home and he woke up extra early then next morning and went down dressed when he saw Prime minister William in the living room and asked him "Prime minister William what are you doing here". "Good morning Prince Lucas don't you remember you have to move tomorrow to the moon kingdom" replied the Prime minister. "No didn't my father tell you i convinced him to let me stay another week"said Allan. "Oh my honest mistake your highness so i will take my leave"replied Prime minister William. As he was about to leave Allan asked "Prime minister William do you know a lie detector spell". "Yes but may i know why"replied and asked William.  "Good now come with me"said Allan and ran out of the house followed by William.

     Allan ran to Luna's house and saw that her parents were in a car and behind there was a truck with furniture. "Oh no we are too late"exclaimed Allan. After which he saw Luna and went to her and said "I need to talk to you about something important" said Allan. Luna saw Prime minister William and told her parents that she would be there in two minutes and her parents agreed. 

     Allan dragged Luna to their back yard and said "Prime minister William put me under a lie detector spell and ask me anything if i lie you will know". "Fine"replied Luna. "But your highness the spell should be done only under the moon because it needs a lot of energy"said William. "Prime minister William i don't care about that just cast the spell. This is an order from me as the  Prince of the Moon kingdom"replied Allan. So William casted the lie detector spell on Allan and Luna. "My lady Luna if his highness lies you will know"said William. "Now ask me" asked Allan.

     "Fine, Do you think i am pretty"asked Luna. "No"replied Allan. "Do you want to be with me forever"asked Luna. "No"replied Allan. "if you had you choose would you chose your life or me"asked Luna. "My Life"replied Allan. "Because"as Allan was about to explain Luna interrupted him saying "Thank you for giving me such honest answers and Prime minister William please remove the spell on me"asked Luna. William removed the spell and said "I removed it my lady". "Thank you Prime minister William " said and added "Also Allan I HATE YOU" said Luna as her eyes welled up and she ran back to her car and said " Lets go mom".

"What Luna you are crying again"asked Mrs Lee. "It is nothing mom it is just nothing and yes i assure you i am fine"replied Luna. After settling in their new house Luna quickly unpacked all of her stuff and she went to the beach she watched the sky and a dog came to her side and she saw it had a collar with out looking at its name she said "At least you have someone who truly loves you unlike me".

 After settling in their new house Luna quickly unpacked all of her  stuff and she went to the beach she watched the sky and a dog came to  her side and she saw it had a collar with out looking at its name she  said "At least you have someone who ...

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To Be Continued....................................................... :)

Thank you all for reading and these pictures are not mine they are examples which i borrowed from google..................................................... :)

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